Thursday, September 17, 2009


Well not much is happening this week. We are leaving for Hilton Head on Saturday and will be gone for a week. I am taking my cord that I plug into our computer to download pictures so I'll be able to post while at the beach. I'm sure all of you are waiting in anticipation now! I am just packing things up, which is a hard task to do since I have to be picky about what we bring since we do not have much space to work with in the car. I am throwing all of Spencer and I's clothes into a space bag and vacuuming out the air so that will really help out with making room! Ella Ann is so excited to go, as are the rest of us, that she can hardly sit still when we talk about it.

The kids and I got a flu shot this week, Spencer got 4 new tires put on the Maxima (that was a super fun thing to spend money on), we went for a couple of runs with the double stroller (I run to take Ella Ann to school), played outside and are running a few other random errands. Exciting, I know. We will be home for one week after this trip and then Spencer and I will head to Disney with my parents. I know, we are mean for not taking Ella Ann but we will take her next fall. We all want to wait until she is 5 so that she will 1) remember it, 2) be tall enough to ride lots of rids, 3) out of the tantrum phase for the most part, 4) can stay up late, 5) walk everywhere, and 6) not need a nap at all. Until then, we will enjoy the adult version of Disney for the last time...sniff, sniff.

Here are some pictures from this week. On a side note, Rane licked the ice maker repairman's hairy leg the day before yesterday. The man jumped when he felt it and said to me, "Oh, I thought it was a dog until I looked down!" Rane is a crawling machine which means he is into anything and everything. I can usually find him behind our end table next to our couch gnawing on the cords to the lamp and the computer. Either that or he is pulling off all the fake flowers in a vase of mine.

Poor little man. Ella Ann's room is the 2nd door on the left and she will shut it when she goes in so that Rane will not come in and mess up her dollhouse. He now follows her wherever she goes. Rane will sit outside her door until she comes out. Bless his heart!

He has recently started pulling up on things as well. Today Ella Ann was inside her "cave," i.e., the fireplace (it's clean and no longer works) and he wanted in too.

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