Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our Week

On Monday we celebrated Spencer's birthday, Tuesday I kept Mara Kate all day while Jana went to Rome, Georgia to find a place to call home (which she did) and the rest of the week is filled with packing for our trip to Las Vegas and packing up some of our house. Spencer and I's good friend, Barry, that we met at college is in town this week with work so he is coming over for dinner on Friday night and Spencer is driving him to the airport after we eat. We will drive to Tennessee to stay at Zach and Mandy's house until we leave super early Monday morning. The kids are staying at their Nana and Papa's house and Ella Ann is very excited about that! We also have a brand new nephew that was born 8 weeks early this morning that we are very excited to see! Congrats Zach and Mandy!

This is a short post because I am busy at the moment but wanted to post some cute pictures to hold my faithful readers off until we return from our trip!

I made one of Spencer's favorite cakes which is a devil's food cake with a white icing his mom makes. Gayla graciously handed over the recipe to me the year I married Spencer so I am able to make his favorite! I put "30" on the cake.....if you can't tell! It was so cute, Ella Ann kept asking him all day, "Daddy!!! Are you soooooo excited about your birthday??!!!" This was followed by a squeal and then, "I am SOOOO excited to eat your cake! Can I have some of your cake Daddy?" All day. :)

Spencer is soooooooooooooo old! ha!

Rane won't get any of Daddy's cake until next year! Bummer.

The girls playing princess dress up.

Mara Kate was equally excited to get a slice of Spencer's cake as well after lunch on Tuesday!

Where's Mara Kate you ask? That's her little back sticking out! She napped on Ella Ann's cot in Rane's room and this was how I found her 2 hours later! She had taken the cover of the cot and put it over her head and when Spencer reached down to pull it off of her we found she had wrapped her arms around the strap! She's a nut!


Jana said...

Cute pictures of the girl. Mara Kate keeps talking about dressing up as the Belle Princess! She loved that and the cake! I know, she is a nut when she sleeps. Right now as she is napping I checked on her and her pillow is at the foot of her bed and she is sleeping completely upside down! At least she is ASLEEP!! :)

Thanks again for keeping her for me! It made my day go much smoother for sure.

Hope you guys have a wonderful trip!

Jana said...

oops. I meant to say girlS!

Sulu said...

I believe yo baby got da pink eye.