Friday, May 29, 2009

Off We Go

Last Saturday Spencer, the kids and I drove to Tennessee to drop off Ella Ann and Rane with Gary and Gayla while Spencer and I went to Las Vegas. We have both been many times and wanted a nice, relaxing vacation so that's why we chose a place where we didn't feel like we had to go and see and do the entire time we were there.

We stayed at Zach and Mandy's, minus Zach and Mandy since they were at the hospital while we were there, on Saturday night and with Craig on Sunday night because he drove us to the airport bright and early Monday morning. Ella Ann couldn't have been happier to go to Kentucky with her Nana and Papa AND Carter and Seth! I knew she would be just fine, especially with her cousins. Rane, I was told, was as good as gold and didn't cause any problems. Unlike the 4-year-old, 3-year-old and 2-year old who were constantly on the move...but I know they were good too, just a lot more work! :)

Spencer and I had a blast all ALONE in Vegas! That's all we be alone for a few days and not have to worry with feedings, bottles, naps, tantrums, etc. so we thoroughly soaked all that relaxation and peace and quiet in for three full days! We stayed at the Bellagio, which was dead center on the strip so we walked to several different hotels to shop, gamble, eat and meander about. We enjoyed our hotel as well and would sit by one of the pools each afternoon and eat gelato...I should say I would eat gelato. Spencer would last about an hour at the pool and then he would find something else to do! We had some fantastic meals, drank an obscene amount of coffee because we were still on Eastern time so the latest we slept in was around 6 a.m.! That was probably our biggest treat to ourselves was drinking lots of coffee at various coffee shops. Speaking of, why hasn't anyone ever introduced me to a frappuccino at Starbucks? I honestly wish that concoction had never touched my lips because now it is all I think about and want, want, want! In case you are in the dark as I was, it is an ice-blended coffee that foams up and is like a coffee milkshake in a sense and it is f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s! I'm going into detox now because my wallet didn't like them as much as my taste buds! :)

So anyway, we flew home early Thursday morning and arrived in Tennessee at 3 p.m. and picked up the kids and off we drove to Atlanta. It was a loooooong day. We got home around 10 p.m. and I unpacked and we were all in bed by 11 p.m. and everyone slept in this morning. Nice!

I took way too many pictures to post on the blog so they are, again, on Facebook. Click HERE to view them. Dad, the ones below I posted for you.

The Conservatory at the Bellagio.

A nighttime view. The picture obviously doesn't do it justice.

By the pool.

One of the pools. Most had fountains in them like this one. It was all so pretty!

Our room.

Fat Elvis! Sorry I couldn't get a better picture, Dad, but he kept moving!

Off to dinner!

Dinner at The Mirage.


Jana said...

Looks like you guys had a great trip! Love the last pic of you two, with you in the torquoise dress and big necklace. So fun! Looking forward to catching up soon. I'll be heading home from Nashville myself tomorrow afternoon.

Janelle said...

Looks like a great trip. I totally find that I'm a better mommy when I get away for a bit...and getting away with husband?? Awesome! Good for y'all!