I will not disclose on the blog where exactly in Tennessee we are moving but we are thrilled with where we are headed. We will be closer to our families and that was our number one reason for moving, period. It is so important for us to be near our immediate families because we obviously love them very much and we want our children to grow up with their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Both Spencer and I grew up very close to our grandmothers and we want the same for our kids. We know how great that is!
Being in Atlanta has been, for me, an opportunity of a lifetime. I have always wanted to live in a big city and experience what that is like. I loved living downtown, right in the heart of it all, for 2.5 years when we first moved here and I have also enjoyed living a little further away from downtown the past 4 years. I will miss Atlanta immensely, especially my church and all of my friends, but we are ready, very ready, to move. We are moving at the end of this year and I am literally counting down the months, weeks and days until the big day! I feel like everything Spencer has worked so hard for has led up to this moment and now that we know the end is FINALLY in sight I can hardly stand the wait!
I am incredibly proud of all the hard work, long hours, long nights, and extra shifts my dear husband has put into this training and supporting our growing family as the years have passed. He worked himself to the bone, as any intern does, the first year of his residency, which is also the year we had Ella-Ann. That year is a blur to me because it was so hard. Ella-Ann and I rarely saw him so we are so thankful he is around so much more these past couple of years. Our last two children actually know Spencer! Spencer hardly ever complains (yes he does at times but certainly not as much as I would if I were in his position) and would never toot his own horn about his accomplishments and how far he has come so I am doing it for him! We celebrated the occasion this afternoon with a cookie cake and two of Spencer's favorite drinks......
On another note, we went to the park that is near our home again this past weekend. I remembered the camera!
Congrats to Spencer and to your family has a whole! What an accomplishment and I know you are ready for the next chapter to begin!
Love the pictures of the kids---the one of Pierson in the sling, EA trying to stick her foot in the water and Rane looks SOO old and grown up in the one of him! Miss you guys!!!!!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited about this post!!!! I know you guys are super excited and while I hope that you enjoy your last few months in Atlanta, I can't wait to see you in Tennessee more often! :)
I am happy for y'all...but so, so sad for us! :) I know what a relief it is for y'all to have a finish line though and know it was where you were praying for. :)
Congratuations to Spence for finishing and you for supporting and enduring! So happy about the move.
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