Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Little Fish

Yesterday Ella Ann started two weeks of swim lessons. She goes four days a week for a half an hour in the afternoons. The afternoon couldn't come fast enough for her! She has her swimsuit and towel laid out by 8 a.m. and by the time we pull in the parking lot, after asking a million times if we are almost there, she is squealing. To say she loves swim lessons is an understatement. She is thrilled to be there and her teacher, Miss Bridget, is the best. Another great thing is that her friend from school, Mary Francis, is in the class with her. Yeay! I am good friends with her mom so her and I enjoy catching up while the girls swim. She has a little boy a few months older than Rane so we have to deal with them sitting in the stroller, after being awoken from their naps abruptly to get to the lesson on time, and wanting to get into the pool oh-so badly. Good thing for Rane it's only 30 minutes! I don't know if we have found what Ella Ann enjoys and is good at as far as "sports" goes but I have never seen her so excited to take part in something. She is actually pretty good and today the teacher only took her life jacket (looks like a backpack but I don't know what you call it) off for her to swim. I was so proud! :)

This morning we met my friend, Janelle, and her three kids at the zoo. Unfortunately it started raining as soon as we arrived but after the rain stopped the skies were beautiful and there was hardly anyone at the park. It was great! Her 4 year old, Anna-Kate, and Ella Ann are very good friends so Ella Ann was beyond the moon to see her buddy today AND another one this afternoon at swim lessons! We had a fantastic morning with Janelle and the kids. We took our time seeing all the animals and stopped to feed the kids lunch. What a dream day for Ella Ann!

I took the swim lessons pictures yesterday. The class is all girls and they were learning how to kick.

There she goes! Swimming across the pool with a fanoodle.

However, before she becomes a true fish we need to get her to be okay with splashing water and going under!

I don't think any of them liked water being splashed in their faces!

Unfortunately after the rain stopped I forgot to take anymore pictures so all I have is the backsides of the kids. Oops.

I even let my little animal out amongst the others for a few minutes since they are kindred spirits!

Anna-Kate, Ella Ann and Ryan checking out the warthogs.


Janelle said...

LOL. I love the pic of the kids and their umbrellas. HIlarious. We had such a great time. :) AK talked about her "good friend Ella Ann" the whole way home and tonight. :)

Next time AK and EA are together we need to talk up swimming...my girl is NOT a fan! That's awesome that EA is doing so well with it!

Mandy said...

I'm impressed! She looks like she is having so much fun in the pool. Who would have ever thought that our kids would end up loving the water?! :)