Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's A Growin'!

Our garden is producing some first fruits...yeay! Spencer planted so many vegetables in hopes that a few will grow because the soil in our backyard is awful, even though he mixed it with good soil that we bought at Home Depot. We don't expect a lot of produce from the garden because of that but if we get a few vegetables then that is just fine! Ella Ann helped Spencer plant the garden a couple of months ago, which was very fun for her. It has been a learning experience for Ella Ann in patience and hard work and when she first saw a green tomato she was ecstatic! I ate our first tomato a couple of days ago and it was wonderful! From what I can remember we have planted basil (I use it in our Italian dishes), cilantro (use in our Mexican dishes), yellow and red peppers, 3 big tomato plants, one Roma tomato plant, cucumbers, squash, lettuce and watermelon. Spencer's family had a huge garden when he was growing up and they grew everything under the sun so he has a green thumb and knows what he's doing. When we make our permanent move in a year and a half we will have a big garden in our backyard every year....that's our dream at least!

Even though this pepper looks ready we are waiting for it to change color.


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We also have these beautiful flowers growing in our backyard and they are spectacular. I have no idea what they are, even though I've seen them before. Anyone?


Jana said...

I am IMPRESSED!! I didn't know you guys planted a garden, but it looks like it is doing well! Look at you being all domesticated! ha! :) Would love some of those peppers! Mmmm!

Janelle said...

YUM. I love to grow squash, but they take up so much blasted room! I'm all tomatoes and peppers this year...but my peppers are never good for some reason. The skin is always super thin. maybe I should chat with your green-thumbed husband about it...maybe some Sunday as we eat. :)

Danielle said...
