Saturday, February 13, 2010

Where Do We Live Again?

Oh yeah, Atlanta. I keep looking outside at the 3+ inches of snow covering our neighborhood and I have to remind myself that I am not supposed to be seeing it, even though it is everywhere. I hate it. Ella Ann has never touched snow, that I can remember, so she wasn't too happy about it either. While the snow was coming down hard yesterday afternoon she was running around the house in her new bathing suit and flip flops. I asked her if she wanted to step outside and touch it and I got a "NO!" I do have to admit, though, it was a tiny bit beautiful. What made it somewhat pretty was knowing that today was going to be 40 degrees and it would all melt away. When Spencer got home from work this morning he took her outside to go sledding in her bilibo, along with the top to the recycling container, and build a snowman. Since Rane has definitely never seen snow (not that he cares) I took him out as well to just sit in it. He didn't know what to think of it at first, Ella Ann didn't really either, but once he sat in it a while and covered himself with snow he enjoyed it. We do not own any snow-type clothes for the kids, again it is not supposed to be outside my door, so I pulled together what little clothing we had for the outdoors and piled it on them. Of course EA was not too happy to have a hat on but she complied in order to play in the snow.
He's somewhere inside the fluff!

Ella Ann rode down our front hill in her bilibo one time and didn't want to do it again. However, I needed a picture of her doing it (hello, the blog!) so Spencer dragged her back up the hill, pushed her bottom in the seat and slid her down the hill....don't worry, he held onto her at least!

After Spencer and Ella Ann peeled the wet clothing off of them once inside I asked Ella Ann to stand in front of the space heater to warm up. Her bottom was frozen, as were her limbs. She comes running out of her room wearing, but of course, her bathing suit. Seriously.

The random pictures attached to this post........Rane wraps himself in his blanket when he sleeps or puts it over his head. He often sleeps as if he was sitting up and then simply fell over into his lap, like in this picture. If you cannot tell, he is laying in between his straddled legs.

I always have to push my step stool in front of this cabinet to keep Rane out of it (there are no locks that will fit on it). Today I was standing at the counter and watched Rane climb, on his feet mind you, to the top. Great. Now I have to figure out a new plan to keep him out of my cabinet!

It's summertime inside at least!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

LOL. AK has the same swimsuit...of course. :)