Thursday, February 11, 2010

Only My Child

This is what Ella Ann came home from school with on Wednesday. Spencer and I both nearly wet our pants laughing when we saw it. Typical Ella Ann....arms crossed and all. On the day they took these pictures I ended up picking her up before ballet because she was sick. I saw the teachers taking each child out of class to take their picture with a cowboy hat on. As SOON as I saw them I thought, well that's not going to go over well with Ella Ann. She hates hats, I mean hates them. People that see us out and about in the arctic Atlanta temperatures probably think I am a terrible mother for not putting hats on my children but they both dislike them and it's not worth the fight. Hey, I'm lucky to even get a coat on Ella Ann.

So she had her very fun Valentine's Day party at school on Wednesday, Lunch Bunch and ballet so it was a great day for Ella Ann. I go inside to pick her up from ballet and they always have all of their backpacks and gear lined up in the hall. They attach all of their weekly crafts and such on the outside of the backpacks with a big safety pin, so I saw one little girl's picture (she was all smiles) with the hat on so I quickly picked up Ella Ann's backpack because I knew a hilarious picture awaited me. I seriously wonder what her two teachers thought as they were laminating this picture of her. It screams, "I will be displayed at Ella Ann's rehersal dinner one day!"


Jana said...

so funny. :) Definitely one you should save!

Janelle said...

HAHAHA. Yes, definately a rehearsal dinner pic!!! :) I have found 1 area where AK and EA difer, AK will wear a hat, but only on her terms. So, maybe not so different after all? :)

Mandy said...

That is so funny!! Definitely something to keep and pull out later!