Sunday, August 24, 2008

Kentucky Reunion

This weekend was what is now an annual happening, a sort of reunion with all of Spencer's family. Since the family seems to expend as each year passes and people move further away Spencer's family decided to do a once a year get together at Connie's house (Gayla's sister) in Kentucky. We arrived at Mandy and Zach's house late Friday afternoon and spent the night. We all got up bright and early Saturday morning to drive to Kentucky. We had such a fun time while we were there! We caught up with one another, ate tons of good food, played games, and the men watched sports. After an early dinner we headed back with Mandy and Zach to their house to spend the night. We were all completely worn out! Ella Ann had SO much fun and was beyond excited to go to Aunt Connie's house! Her and Carter love going to visit Connie and Wayne...according to them it is the place to be! I had taken a lot of pictures so it was must faster for me to post them to my Facebook account. Click HERE to view them. Thanks again Connie and Wayne for a great Saturday with the family!

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