Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's a.....

BOY!!! We know this now for sure and I say that because of the roller coaster Spencer and I have been in since my 20-week ultrasound yesterday afternoon. The ultrasound technician told us that she was 90% sure it was a girl because she had photographed what she thought to be female body parts. I even have a picture of the so-called female parts with the word "girl" typed across it. The problem was that the baby's legs were tightly clamped and the cord was in between them. The doctor came in soon after and tried her hand at getting the baby to move around and she thought she had found male parts. By this time everyone had left for the afternoon so she told us that she would discuss the pictures with her team in the morning and call me. So two hours later we left with very strange feelings about the whole situation. We also were in agreement that it was a girl because of the picture and I got my heart set it was a girl and Ella Ann was going to have a sister close in age to grow up with. I was very excited! If you know me at all you know I'm a very girly girl, I didn't grow up with boys, and I don't know what to do with them. When the doctor called me this morning and told me they now think it's a boy and to come back in for a reassuring ultrasound next Friday I was shocked. I really thought it was a girl! I was certainly not going to wait another week to get this mystery solved so I drug Ella Ann downtown with me this afternoon right in the middle of her nap time for another ultrasound and as soon as the wand hit my stomach the male parts were right in my face....I now have a picture of male parts! Spencer is super excited, Ella Ann told me today that she didn't want a baby brother she wanted a baby sister, and I'm now having to get used to the idea that I'm going to be a mom to a little boy. I guess were all experiencing different emotions! Even Spencer can't picture us going out and buying boy stuff! It's just so weird to me. At least now I get all new stuff! On the other hand, it will be sad to pack up all of Ella Ann's baby girl decorations and clothes and put them in storage. We also had an AWESOME girl's name picked out (no I will never tell you anyway so don't even ask just in case the next one is a girl!) so now we have to make sure our little boy's name is equally awesome! :) I'm still going to go for the ultrasound next Friday so if this little boy turns into a girl again I'll be sure and let you know!!!


Mandy said...

You will be an awesome boy's mom! :) It will be different, but that will make it more fun! One of perfect is that!

We can't wait to see you all tomorrow night!


Anonymous said...

wow...what a roller coaster! you definitely want a for-sure answer on this one!! But, let me tell you...if that is for sure a little boy in there, your heart is in for some bigtime melting. they're just special in a very different way. But once you have a little boy, you can't imagine life without them! Congrats!

Jana said...

Katie, I haven't mentioned this before, but I like the new "look" of your blog and the new colors, etc. :) Very "boyish" with all the blue, ha! :)

Anyway, I am excited for you and I know it's hard to imagine what you will do with a boy (I'd feel the same way), but I know you will do wonderfully! It will be so fun to see what a baby boy Jensen will look like! :)

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

You should name the baby Hermy.

The Alexander Family said...

Cute blog!

Anonymous said...

Katie and Spencer,

Congrats! You will LOVE having a boy. I wanted a baby sister when I was Ella Ann's age. I got a brother too, and I wouldn't trade him for the world. You two will be awesome parents to him.

Andrea Harreld