Our little tiny baby is no longer so itty bitty. I took Pierson to the pediatrician on Tuesday for her 2-month check up and she weighs 10 pounds 5 ounces and is 22 1/4 inches in length! She is our biggest baby out of the 3 at this age. I cannot believe that she was so tiny at birth and has gained so much weight in such a short period of time. You go Pierson! Honestly, though, she really isn't THAT big because she is still in the 25th percentile for weight and 50th for length and head circumference. Same old, same old for our little babies! She has some pink dots on her eye lids and a red mark on one of her checks so I asked the doctor about them and the spots on her eyelids are angel kisses, which she also has a ton of on the back of her neck, and the check spot is probably a birthmark. All should go away within a year. I don't know about that, though, because I still have my angel kisses on the back of my neck and I am 29 (insert wink)! Ella-Ann has hers as well. The spots also have eczema on top of them so I think once I get that cleared up they won't be as red and noticeable. I love that she was "kissed" on her eyelids before she came to us, my precious Pierson.
Pierson smiles quite often now, pretty much if you look in her direction! In the last couple of days I have caught her smiling at the wall! She has also started to coo a little, which is so sweet. She will smile really big and then let out some noises. This morning Rane was talking to her and when I looked over she was smiling so big at him! She already loves her (very loud) siblings!
Unfortunately she is still in our room and still getting up twice a night. No fun, no fun. She is quite noisy so Spencer and I lay there awake until she settles back down after feedings sometimes. The doctor suggested we move the pack-n-play to another room (hello, have you been to my house to see that there are NO available spots for the baby or else she would be there!!) for at least a few nights because she is possibly smelling me in the room and waking to get attention and/or eat. So on Tuesday night she slept in her pack-n-play next to the kitchen table. Poor 3rd child. Anyway, she slept better because she woke at 2 a.m. after eating at 9 p.m. and then again at 5:30 a.m. It may sound awful but really I consider that up only once! Last night, though, was her best night yet. I let out a yelp for happiness when I rolled over in bed and saw 3:11 a.m. on the clock after hearing her grunt and kick! Horray! I woke her at 6:30 this morning to eat before the other two kids woke up. Glorious night for me! Oh, and she was in the bedroom to boot!
Here is our Sweet P at 2 months....
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