Monday, January 31, 2011

Growing Like Weeds

I took Rane and Pierson to the pediatrician this morning for their well baby visits, Pierson's 1-month and Rane's 2-year. I didn't realize it was a big deal to take two kids at the same time for a check-up until I received several, "Good luck with that," and "I did that once and will never do it again," comments but my theory was a one-stop-shop! I am happy to report that both kids did just fine and it was easy. When I took Pierson in for a weight check a week after she was born she weighed 5 lbs 12 oz, which was a little over 3 weeks ago. I was thrilled to see 8 lb 4 oz on the scale this morning! She also grew 3 inches since birth! That's my girl! Spencer and I can both be patted on the back for making it our mission to fatten this baby up before this visit today! She is in the 25th percentile for weight and 50th for height and head. All three of our kids seem to follow this pattern thanks to a tall, thin father! Rane is such a big boy weighing in at 26 pounds! He's in the 30th percentile, which I believe is the highest percentile he's ever been in for weight! ha! He's also 35 inches tall. Ella-Ann is, I believe, around 43 inches so he's gaining on her quickly. Both kids received shots as well but it wasn't a big deal, especially with a promise of a sucker afterward for Rane.

We are very blessed to have healthy, growing children and I am reminded of that even more so now that Pierson is here and is the picture of good health for a newborn!

I took these pictures yesterday before church because I coordinated their outfits and they looked so cute! Of course the pictures aren't great but I don't expect much with 3 now!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

LOL you know I love and appreciate coordinated outfits. :)
Funny about the appt, I always try and get my kids at the same time--so much simpler than multiple trips!