Sunday, February 06, 2011

A Whole Lot of Nothing

I really don't have much to blog about lately. I don't really go anywhere with all three kids in tow so our days are spent, for the most part, at home. I am certainly not bored and I don't think the kids are either because they always seem to find something to do or some way to aggravate each other! Since Pierson eats every 3 hours any time I do leave the house we have to move very quickly and I can usually only go to one or two places. I took all three to Target with me on Friday and I seriously took 3 circus monkeys! I had a huge bus, I mean cart, that held all 3 of them and even though I buckled Rane in he managed to escape so both him and Ella-Ann were on and off the cart the entire time, kicking each other while sitting in the cart because they faced each other so I just had a ticker tape going of the following commands: "Rane stop kicking Ella-Ann, you two get back on the cart, get out of the freezer Rane, no we are not buying that please put it down, Rane stop kicking Ella-Ann, sit DOWN, leave Pierson alone, Ella-Ann sit up you are going to fall out, Rane stop kicking Ella-Ann, we are almost done I promise, you can have a snack when we get home, etc." I always have put Rane in the front of carts and Ella-Ann has always walked so now that Pierson is in her car seat at the front it's a whole new game to go to stores! It's not bad at all, it just takes me a little longer and since I know my children's personalities I know exactly what to expect when we are out, which is usually good behavior with sprinklings of craziness! I went to church today without Spencer (he was working) for the first time since Pierson was born and it all went very well. I guess it helped that I had been up since
4 a.m. with Pierson being fussy/unsettled because she is so congested from a cold she got from Rane, so I was able to drink lots of coffee and get ready before anyone else was awake!

Everything is still going well. Pierson is a sweet little baby but has her moments, usually after a bottle in the middle of the night, of fussiness. Thanks to heavy doses of caffeine each day I am really not tired. What keeps me going is that this stage only lasts for a short while and this, most likely, is the last time I ever have to do this! That really helps! The newness of Pierson has pretty much worn off for Ella-Ann and Rane but they still want to love all over her when they see her.

Since I don't have anything new to report I will leave you with a few pictures.....

Rane slammed his nose into the bathroom door this afternoon (he wanted in since I was in there giving P a bath) and after he was picked up by Spencer Ella-Ann was running circles around him and tripped over Spencer's leg and hit her mouth on the floor. They love getting ice for boo-boos and any time Rane gets so much as a tiny bump on his body he starts saying, "Ban-A! Ban-A!!" (Band-Aid)

Pierson has started taking naps this past week that are fairly predictable. She is awake for about 45 minutes after eating and then is down for the count (in her bed) until it's time for her to eat again.

This was after a bath this afternoon. It is such a funny picture! No she doesn't have red hair either!

In case you didn't see it, this was Pierson's birth announcement picture....

front of card...

back of card.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Well, you looked gorgeous at church, even after your early morning!!