Thursday, March 04, 2010

Little Man

Since there isn't much going on this week besides the usual happenings I will blog about Rane! You know it's just so-o hard for me to talk up my kids to anyone who will listen! He has started "walking" as of today! Yeay! He is still crawling all the time but today he seems to have made a turning point by standing up and taking some steps....often....and several in a row! I'm ready to get him walking so we can go to the park this spring and summer. I know when Ella Ann was 14 months old we had been to the park at least 50 times. Poor second child...again. Well I do have to say we lived in a condo at that time with no yard and we were about a mile from Piedmont Park so that is a big reason why we were there nearly 1-2 times per week at least.
In the last few weeks he has started blowing kisses, clapping along with "Patty Cake," doing the motions to "The Itsy Bitsy Spider," kissing us on the mouth followed by a huge hug and being extra needy/clingy during the dinner hour. The last one is not so fun. Last night I gave Ella Ann and Rane a bath and Rane was trying to kiss Ella Ann so I told her to give him a kiss and when they did it was the absolute cutest thing! My heart just melted on the floor right then and there.
He now says "Ohhhh mannnnnnnn" ALL the time. Yesterday I was mopping, with Rane around...don't know what I was thinking, and had to stop because he was chasing the mop. I put it in the kitchen and he kept trying to get it so I moved it again before he got back into the kitchen. When he rounded the corner he looked to where the mop was supposed to be, saw that it was gone and said, "Ohhhh mannnnn!" I feel bad that some of his first words are, "Oh nooooo," "Ohhh mannnn," and "Uh-ohhhh!" Maybe because that is what we say to him ALL the time! Poor kid....can't get a break.
On Monday I took him to toddler story time at our (very awesome) library for the first time while Ella Ann was in school. It was fantastic! Since we have moved we go to a new library that is super close to our house and they have a great space for kids and they do all kinds of fun things for them. We went to Ella Ann's age group for story time last week and she had a ball. Rane's was just a bunch of kids near his age playing with toys everywhere for a set amount of time, followed by book time and then a book read by the leader. Rane is just not really into having someone read books to him at the moment. He is just too busy to sit still and he is very particular about the few books he will let you read to him. If he doesn't want to hear it he will slam the book shut on your fingers.
He is down to one nap now and has been for about 3 weeks. He went from waking up before 6:30 most mornings and napping two times a day to waking usually past 7 a.m. and taking one nap from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Sometimes he has a bad nap but he's still fairly happy and will go to bed at 6 p.m.
So that's Rane in a nutshell at 14 months. Ella Ann is dandy, usual Ella Ann ya know. On Monday she disobeyed her teacher at school and after the teacher told her not to jump with her little friend off a piece of playground equipment off they went. When she hit the ground she evidently rolled her ankle. I thought we were headed to the doctor because she couldn't walk but as the day progressed she was able to put pressure on it...whew. I think the lesson was learned very well.

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