Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So Spencer took the computer to Toccoa this past weekend which explains my lack of post and I don't have anything new to tell my hoards of readers! I also don't have anything exciting to take a picture of either, so sorry no pictures of the kiddos but I want to get video up of Rane walking so the grandparents can see him in action so I will do that soon. In the mean time I know you are on the edge of your seat wanting to hear about our weekend and week thus far so here goes. Since Spencer was out of town I took the kids down to Atlantic Station (a place where you can "live, work, play," according to the billboards) for some shopping. It was rather brisk that morning but it was fun to just get out and enjoy the day. I am also trying to do some trial runs of Rane being in the stroller for longer than an hour because my Mom, Ella Ann, Rane and I are headed to Charleston soon so he needs to be dandy in the stroller so we can browse boutiques and walk around the city in general (he did great at Atlantic Station, fyi). I took Ella Ann to a chocolate store and an employee was in the process of rolling out fudge so the three of us sat there and watched him for quite a long time. Ella Ann's eyeballs were about to bug out of their sockets at the chocolaty goodies that surrounded her so I let her pick out one small piece. She chose, of course, two chocolate-dipped marshmallows on a stick rolled in hot pink sprinkles. It was so fun to watch her enjoy her treat and watch fudge being made....it was a learning experience, I say!

So far this week we have ran our usual errands, Target, Kroger, Publix and the DeKalb Farmer's World Market (my heaven on earth). I have started really doing the bulk of my shopping there each week. I put EA in the back of the cart, buy her a bag of popcorn for 32 cents and me a coffee for 65 cents and off we go a'shopping! It is so fun! In case you don't know what I'm talking about, it is a massive warehouse full of anything you could possibly imagine regarding speciality foods, produce, meats, cheeses, coffee, tea, homemade pastries and breads, candy, spices, wines, fish, etc. I buy my meat there because it's cheaper AND hormone free....yeay! All of their fresh foods are flown in daily from around the world. I have fun trying all kinds of new veggies, like a massive green squash from Honduras, and encouraging the kids (of course not Spencer!!) to try them....so far Rane will eat any of it!

I made a meal for my friend, Janelle, and her family this morning because she just had her third baby and Ella Ann and I took it to them this afternoon. It was the highlight of Ella Ann's day because her and Anna-Kate are kindred spirits, as are Janelle and I, so she had a lot of fun seeing her friend.

Rane has been entertaining us as of late with several new things he has picked up, such as saying "beep, beep," he walks around the house saying "Mimi! Mimi," grabbing his diaper and saying, "inky" with a crinkled face if he's pooped, climbing on our couch (it's pretty high so it's taken him a while to conquer it) and bringing random objects to us since he is up on two feet now. He has also learned to climb Ella Ann's step stool and get onto her bed. He squeals with excitement each time he's up on her bed....he loves it! He will drink her water on the nightstand, throw her clock on the floor, pull at the ballerina skirts on her bedspread and tear her tissues apart. Such fun for Ella Ann!

So this weekend we will attend our church's annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday and we are so excited! It is so much fun for all involved! We will go to the Easter service on Sunday and I am going to try and prepare an Easter feast. I'm going to attempt a ham, which I am not looking forward to because I am not a fan of ham but Spencer would like it so that's what I'm going to make....in the crockpot, of course!

1 comment:

Jana said...

Ham in the crock pot??---maybe you need to send me the recipe YOU are using. Seriously--let me know how you are preparing it!