Friday, March 26, 2010

Sleepover Success

On Wednesday Jana and Mara Kate were in town making their rounds visiting friends. They came over before Ella Ann needed to be picked up at ballet so they went with me to get her. When Ella Ann saw Mara Kate she was shocked....she couldn't believe her best friend was there! She didn't say much at first, I think she was overwhelmed, but they immediately hugged and started holding hands, even in the van. So sweet. Jana and I surprised the girls and told them that Ella Ann was going home with Mara Kate to spend the night! Oh my goodness they were SO SO SO excited! Jana and I visited for a little while at our house before they hit the road. Ella Ann was in the car in 2.2 seconds....she was beyond ready to go to Mara Kate's house!

Ella Ann stayed with them until yesterday afternoon, when I met Jana in Cartersville (halfway for both of us) and picked her up. She was very unhappy to go home, I mean really unhappy. She cried off and on about having to leave Mara Kate's house and wanting to go back. She was grumpy the entire way because she was so tired (all the playing and lack of a good night's sleep due to utter excitement) and she didn't want to go home. She told me on the way home that she wanted to live with Mara Kate forever. I take it she had a good time! Last night she was sitting on my lap and I was hugging her and telling her how much I missed her and she still said, "Mommy I want to live with Mara Kate. I promise I will come visit you for one month. I will see you for one month and then I'll go back to Mara Kate's house." Poor Mommy. ha!

To get the entire scoop, with lots of pictures, of her sleepover check out Jana's blog!

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