Tuesday, January 05, 2010

A No-Picture Update

Sorry about that. There's only so many pictures I can post of Rane eating, crawling with objects in his mouth, smiling and Ella Ann in costume! Really that's what happens each and every day so I haven't had anything new to photograph. Oh and you don't want pictures of the rashes the kids have had which are now gone. So I will update you on life with the Jensens minus pictures today. Spencer and I had a great New Years that we spent sipping champagne, eating sashimi...errr...me eating sashimi and Spencer eating a turkey burger from Whole Foods and playing our new Wii game, Super Mario Brothers. Okay, we are officially addicted to it. We have played it every single night since New Years Eve. As soon as the kids' heads hit the pillow at night Spencer walks in the living room, throws the remote in my direction and away we play for hours. We have had so much fun playing...that is if Spencer can control his tantrums when one of his Mario men dies! We both grew up playing Super Mario Brothers on Nintendo (who didn't our age?) so we are loving the awesome updated version with Wii. My thumbs are sore every morning, which makes me think I'm in middle school again!

Spencer had the weekend off so we spent Saturday morning in Nordstrom and just hanging around the house. I got Spencer a fire pit for Christmas but it's even too cold outside to sit by a hot fire here so we didn't make use of that this weekend.

My week this week is filled with errands to get ready for Rane's birthday party with family this weekend. I'm excited that his birthday actually falls on Saturday so I won't feel guilty about giving him cake before his real birthday. ha! I cannot believe it is already here. It seems like it was just a couple of months ago that I was in the delivery room of the hospital. Can I remind you, yet again, that I delivered him with no drugs? Yup, I did...still proud of that one but won't ever be doing that again and would never, ever recommend it to any mom-to-be. He was ready to make his debut and nothing was going to slow him down, which is really how his personality is turning out to be. He is one determined little boy and on a mission most of the time. He will spot something from across the room, usually something he isn't supposed to have, and he puts his head down and crawls like lightening to get it. I cannot wait for him to tear into his birthday cake because I know he will not be shy like Ella Ann was...she didn't eat a single bite of cake until she was 3! Being that Rane is the second child, though, he has already had a bite of brownie and chocolate peppermint bark...all thanks to Ella Ann dropping it on the floor. This kid knows what's tasty!

So that's that. I will leave you with one funny from Miss Priss. She has been asking me a lot of questions about heaven lately and it is very hard for her, understandably so, to grasp the fact that we will leave our bodies here on earth, our souls will go to heaven and God will give us a perfect, new body in heaven. Yesterday in the car I was, again, trying to explain this whole "new body" thing to her. She got upset when I told her the body she was currently residing in was going to have to stay here when she went to heaven. Her response, "No! I want MY body now! I don't want a new body!" I asked her why because the body she has now will not work as well in the future and the one in heaven will be perfect. Her response, "No Mommy! I want this body to suck my thumb!" Of course.

1 comment:

Janelle said...

HAHAHA--too funny!