Monday, March 02, 2009

A Party and A Room

This past Saturday Ella Ann, Rane and I attended Luke's 3rd birthday party. It was a fish-themed party with lots and lots of kids everywhere! We had a really good time, except for Ella Ann's whining that there were no presents for her! Lovely. She was kinda cranky that morning, maybe it has to do with the fact that she's going on a 2.5-week nap strike. That's just lovely as well. I try hard not to loose it when she doesn't take a nap but it's very difficult! At least she goes to bed at 6:30 on the dot and Spencer and I have extra time together by ourselves at night, well Rane's in the room but doesn't make a peep! Anyway, Ella Ann chowed down on a turtle cake that Megan did a great job of making, played games and played with all her little buddies.

That's really about the most fun we had all weekend. It snowed yesterday...thundered at the same time with no that was cool. Unfortunately (for my sake) Ella Ann's school was closed today so that hindered my packing I was planning on doing for our trip to my parent's later this week. Oh well, the "Miss Patty Cake" DVD was an excellent babysitter while I packed for a bit! :)

I also took some pictures of Rane's room...finally! It's still a work-in-progress as far as pictures on the wall go but you get the idea.

I ordered these wall letters online. I emailed the link of Rane's bedding to the woman that painted them and she was able to match his room. I LOVE them!

Rane's Aunt Connie made the orange and yellow blanket with his name on it. It matches his bright room perfectly! I am still working on my picture collage on this wall. I plan on hanging many different types of photos/drawings/frames on it so it should look neat when it's completed one of these days! Ella Ann provided the painting in the green frame. She was SO proud to get it framed AND hung in Rane's room!

I made the memo board hanging over the changer out of ceiling tiles for $2.50!

Luke and his yummy cake!

Making an aquarium.

Waiting to fish!

Ella Ann asked to be hooked to the pink fish...of course! She is obsessed with pink!

Ella Ann and Mara Kate with their fish!

1 comment:

Jana said...

Rane's room looks so cute! You have done a great job re-using the furniture from your frist nursery and making it ALL BOY with all the bright colors. Love it all!

The party was fun too! I didn't get any pictures---I forgot my camera, but we had a good time and I also thought Megan did a wonderful job on the cake!