Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tis' The Season

Yes it's finally springtime!!! Wahooo! Ohhh and the lovely things that go with spring, such as allergies! Yeay! Of course I'm kidding! Poor little Ella Ann has suffered miserably this week with the new blooms all around us and the invitation they personally give her to pick them and smell them! Ella Ann cannot resist picking the weeds, i.e. dandelions, when we go for walks, even though I try to make her stop but how can I NOT let her enjoy all the rebirth around us that is so beautiful? It's in her nature to want to take it all in, but for that she pays a price. We have been giving her Zyrtec all week to no avail and finally called her pediatrician who called in a nasal steroid and antihistamine eye drops to give her some relief. The child literally scratched her eyes so much that they have cuts around them. She has the typical "allergy shiners" from the constant scratching of the nose and eyes. I believe she also had a cold at the same time, which she so lovingly gave to me, so it was a double whammy. She has also been up every night this week with complaints. One night she was crying because her eyes were glued shut. Now I think she is on the mend because she hasn't been so whiny and lethargic today and she's back on her nap strike so that's got to say something! :)

I was pretty sick all week and didn't feel like doing much of anything. Thankfully by Saturday I was doing better, although I had absolutely no voice, and we were able to go to the zoo since Spencer had the weekend off! It was Rane's first trip and he did great...slept through the entire experience! Ella Ann enjoyed seeing all the animals and ridding the carousel with her Daddy while I fed Rane. They have panda stamps as you leave the panda exhibit so of course she had to get one on each hand. It's the first thing she wants to do as soon as we hit the gates! I asked her what she liked better the cute little baby pandas or the stamp. Her reply was, "The STAMP!!!" I should've just taken her to Michael's (craft store) instead! :)
Rane is doing great for those of you who want an update. He's 2 1/2 months now, which is hard to believe. Ella Ann yells, "He's MINE!" if you simply lay your eyes on Rane so we are having to work through some possessive issues at the moment! He is sleeping through the night most nights now which has been wonderful this week since we've been up with our other child! He's starting to have nap patterns now and a normal bedtime at 7:30. This leaves Spencer and I to have some free time in the evenings again! Yeay!

I wanted to show you Ella Ann's poor face. This was taken yesterday morning.

See her eyes???

Being silly at the zoo!

Rane LOVED the zoo! ha!

Outside the reptile exhibit. I made her get on the iguana and she was afraid!

I think this might be the "liveliest" picture of Spencer I've ever posted! hehe! This was inside the reptile exhibit and he had picked her up to look at the Black Mamba.

This is how I spent my time at the zoo...drinking coffee and pushing Rane around! It was awesome!

The boys were worn out from our outing yesterday morning!

I had to post this picture of Ella Ann and Spencer. I saw him holding Rane the same way yesterday and remembered that he had done the same thing with Ella Ann when she was just 2 weeks old. I dug through all my files and found it! My how time flies...

We've been putting Rane in his seat lately since he has a flat head and flat side of his face. He doesn't mind sitting in it but he falls over very easily. He looks so cute in it!!!!!!

My sweet boy!


Jana said...

SO cute! The pics of Spencer holding Rane and EA when she was so tiny are so sweet. Looks like you had fun at the zoo and I'm glad EA is feeling a bit better with new meds for her allergies....her poor little eyes looked so pitiful!

Mandy said...

Poor Ella Ann! I totally understand...I have been there so many times! Hopefully she's over the worst of it. The pics of Rane are so cute! He looks quite comfy with his Daddy! :)

Janelle said...

He is precious!!
We went to the zoo today and enjoyed the weather and the animals so much. Love that place.

Hope EA feels better soon!!