Monday, January 12, 2009

Rane Simms Jensen

Yeay he has arrived! Rane was born at 12:01 a.m. on January 9th. He weighed 7 lbs 4 oz and was 20 inches. He has a head full of spiky, dark brown hair...which we love! He was due January 7th, which obviously came and went. I had a doctor's appointment the next afternoon and I had mentioned to my doctor that he wasn't moving very much so they sent me down to labor and delivery to be hooked up to the fetal monitor for 30 minutes. By the way, Ella Ann was with me and Spencer had come home very sick that morning so he was in bed. After being on the monitor for just a few minutes, I started having contractions 2 minutes apart that grew stronger and stronger. I called Spencer and he came to the hospital and our parents started the long trip down from Kentucky. Poor Ella Ann, she was such a little trooper. Her and I had already been at the hospital for over 3 hours and she just sat on the bed with me the entire time without complaining, except for when she dropped her guinea pig in the trash can and I couldn't get up to get it out for her! Jana came to the hospital to pick her up and she stayed at her house....had a BLAST....overnight. Ella Ann went to her first sleepover at the age of 3 and did fantastic, but she was with her beloved best friend so I knew she would much rather be there than with her Mommy and Daddy! Jana was so kind to keep her....her sister and her two kids were visiting as well so it was a packed apartment that night! To see some pictures of Ella Ann's big night, click HERE to view Jana's post. Thank you again, Jana!!!!!!
After being in triage because of a full house for over 5 hours, they finally moved me to a delivery room and that's when things really got going. I had asked for my epidural around 9 when I was 6 cm. dilated and the anesthesiologist just so happened to have 3 emergency c-sections at the same time so I was dropped to the bottom of the priority list! Great! By the time he arrived with the medication (oh and I had asked my nurse at least 50 times when he was coming and she kept telling me he would be there soon and I WOULD get my epidural) it was time to push. I was in SO much pain. I don't see why in the world anyone would voluntarily skip the epidural and want to go through childbirth naturally! No way! The anesthesiologist did start the line for the epidural and managed to shoot in a bit of some kind of pain medication to get through the pushing but I was not fully numb whatsoever. The good thing was that since I could feel everything I was able to push really well and get him out in 5 minutes. Ahhhh such relief! I felt like a new person! Thankfully Spencer was able to rally and help me out even though he felt miserable.

Our parents arrived shortly after only to be shocked that I had already had him! It passed so, so fast! I was able to get up by myself and walk around as needed after having him because I wasn't numb, so that was another plus to no epidural. Spencer went home that night because he needed to rest in a bed and not on a couch but none of us got much sleep because we were too excited. The next day big sister Ella Ann came barreling through my hospital door and was ready to hold her baby broder! She is in love with him, to say the least. She is his mother hen and wants to hold him every waking minute and has a very hard time "letting" anyone else hold him! We are going to have our hands full with her....poor Rane!

Spencer and I actually enjoyed our time at the hospital because we had lots of alone time to talk and spend time with our new baby. We loved having our parents here, especially since they took such good care of Ella Ann. She was spoiled rotten!!! We got home from the hospital Sunday morning and have been trying to get back into the swing of things. Spencer has this week off and then my Mom is coming down next Sunday to stay the week so I'm so thankful to have 2 full weeks of an extra pair of hands!

Rane is doing well, by the way. He is one good baby so far! He never cries, really he doesn't, just smacks his lips and roots when he wants to eat. He wants to eat every 2 hours so that's kind of hard but other than that he's a breeze. We'll see how the next few weeks play out, though!
I only have a few pictures to post at the moment because we accidentally left the cord to upload pictures in my father-in-law's laptop case so he has to mail it back to us. Once I get that I will post a ton of new pictures!!!!!

He already found his thumb....must be a genetic thing at this point!


Anonymous said...

Let it RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE. He better be a 3 point shooter.

Jana said...

Glad to see a post about Rane. I can't believe you aren't able to post pictures yet...I know that's frustrating. We miss you guys! Hope to see you soon!!

Mandy said...

Love the entry and pictures. I am so behind...just checking email/blogs. I'll call you back later this morning. Hope things are still going well!