Sunday, December 21, 2008

Weekly Wrap Up

This week was pretty busy which seems to be the case every single week since Halloween for us! I cannot believe Christmas is THIS week! That also means our little baby will be here soon as well! Yeay! I'm tired of waiting, tired of being fatigued (which I know that's not going to go away even after the baby's born!), tired of pregnancy pains, and tired of not being able to squeeze Ella Ann while she sits on my lap because I have a huge belly in the way! Okay, enough "me" complaints and on with our weekly update! Ella Ann finished up preschool this week until next year. I wanted to really end the semester on a good note since next time I take her I will probably have her brother which will make it even harder for her to part with me. I actually tried the carpool line this week at drop off and it went amazingly well. I was happy about that because that's how I plan to drop her off once this baby gets here because I'm certainly not hauling him inside! Unfortunately, though, we didn't get to end on a happy note. Spencer met me at her school on Wednesday morning to watch her in their Christmas program. I knew they had been prepping for this since Thanksgiving because Ella Ann has been singing all the songs. Well as soon as her class paraded into the room and she spotted Spencer and I she completely lost it and sat on the front row and cried until her teacher brought me to her. Yup, she was the first kid to break down....but not the only one! I coerced her back up on stage with the promise that I would sit in front of her. She still didn't utter a word to a single song but sat their giving everyone the hairy eyeball. It was just lovely. Her teachers told me afterward that she was having a bad day because she kept asking for her "new animal." I stopped allowing her to take her brown horsey to school a few weeks ago and it had been smooth sailing ever since so when I was told there was an animal I immediately asked, "What new animal?" Her teacher pointed to her backpack and what do I see?? Ohh her beloved guinea pig's rear end sticking out of her backpack! She snuck that thing in! I couldn't believe she did that! That's why she had had such a bad day because she knew the guinea pig was there but her teachers wouldn't let her have it. Arghhhh! I guess I'm going to have to pat her down before releasing her from my car at school from now on!! ha!

Ella Ann has recently started dressing up in costumes....VERY often. She wears her tutu that the Evans' got her for Christmas each day. I have given in and let her wear it when we run errands. She also decided that she wants to be Minnie Mouse (her Halloween costume from a year ago) the past 2 days. I let her wear it to Kroger, Trader Joe's, and Target yesterday and to my surprise it made a lot of people smile! One woman wanted to take a picture of her! I always get a kick out of a kid I see out and about wearing a silly costume in the middle of the summer or something but to have my own child do it is a different story. It does make you laugh and can brighten your day if you're having a bad one so maybe Ella Ann is spreading some holiday cheer! :) Her Baby Legs are also an item of clothing that she refuses to take off. They are not tights but are leggings with no waist or feet. She wants to wear them every day so this week I have let her wear them often...thank goodness my parents are giving her more for Christmas, along with some Disney costumes! It's been an interesting fashion week in our household!

On Friday morning one of our friends was hosting a birthday party for Jesus. Her daughter, Anna-Kate, is one of Ella Ann's buddies. We had such a good time! Janelle, Anna-Kate's Mom, read the Christmas story before the kids made a craft, ate lunch, sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus, ate birthday cake and decorated cookies. It was really fun for everyone! Spencer and I have been trying really hard to put Santa on the back burner and focus on the true meaning of Christmas and Ella Ann has really gotten into it. In fact after bath time this week Spencer had wrapped up Ella Ann in her big towel and as he was carrying her back to her bedroom she looked at him and said, "I'm Baby Jesus." She is so funny!

Kane, Jana and Mara Kate came over Saturday night to eat pizza and play the new Wii games we received from the Jensens last weekend. We had a blast together! We got Mario Kart, which is a racing game, and the steering wheels to go with it so it really feels like your driving. We competed against each other and was really fun! The boys also played a couple of other games while Jana and I chatted, of course! The girls played Wii as well and Mara Kate loved it. She was way more interested in watching the adults play Wii than play baby dolls with Ella Ann! hahahahaa!

This morning the 3 of us went to church and then hit Starbucks afterward. Ella Ann has now started making coffee in her little kitchen each morning while I sit on the couch and drink mine. I predict she's going to develop a love of coffee too early in life!

The two of us went over to Jana's on Wednesday afternoon and I told Ella Ann she could pick out what she wanted to wear. This is what she looked like.....

don't forget the Baby Legs!

Janelle, in the green sweater on the floor, reading the Christmas Story.

Ella Ann listening to the story while kissing Anna-Kate's baby doll.

Mara Kate and Ella Ann making a manager.

Playing with Mary and Joseph.

Devouring the cookie she just iced.

The girls getting their game on!

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