Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Silent Night

We have really enjoyed singing Christmas songs with Ella Ann this month and I didn't realize how much she was paying attention until she sung "Silent Night" in it's entirety the other day in the car! I always sing this to her at night in bed and she's always sucking her thumb so she doesn't sing along. This really reminded me that she IS paying attention and IS listening to me (most of the time) so that has made me realize I need to be very careful what I talk about in front of her and to make sure I talk about important things to her, like the birth of our Lord this holiday season. My oh-so-wonderful (and very crafty) best friend, Jana, has helped out in that department by making our family an Advent Tree and each night we have enjoyed reading scripture and putting on a new piece on our Tree. It is wonderful to think that this will be a part of our family forever and we will always remember the Barker's each Christmas because of it. I will take a picture of it when it is completed on Christmas Day and post it on the blog. We love it! Thanks again Jana!!

Okay, so I did manage to catch Ella Ann on video singing "Silent Night" tonight with her babies. She left out a verse, but it is still a memorable video!

Can you tell she was born in the south at all??? :) So precious!


Mandy said...

Precious!!! Carter and Seth will be so excited to watch this in the morning. :)

What an accent - love it!! :)


Anonymous said...

That sure is a briiiiiight daughter you have there.