Saturday, June 14, 2008


Yes indeed we sold our condo....finally! It has been on the market for almost a year and we are SO thankful to have sold it. The market is awful here in Atlanta, especially if you own a condo. They are a dime a dozen and very cheap now. We got the offer on Friday, June 6th, and have to be out of our home by the closing on June 27th. I have kicked it into high gear and have been frantically searching for a place to live this entire week. When I'm not online looking for a place, I'm packing, driving around looking at areas, looking at homes, and all the while completely ignoring my poor child. She's been a trooper so far, even when I packed up most of her room. She still asks where the pictures are so I tell her they'll be going to our new house, which satisfies her. She asks every single day to "go to the NEW house"....I wish I knew where that was so I could take her! Every time we walk into a home she starts running in circles in all the rooms shouting at the top of her lungs "YEAY!!!!! A new house!" and then throws a fit when we leave. It's exhausting. Even though the timing of all of this couldn't be any worse, Spencer is also on a horrible rotation this month and our church's VBS is the week we close/move and I'm volunteering and Ella Ann is participating for the first time, we would get out of this place in 2 days if that's what the buyer wanted! We are just so happy to have sold it in a down market and we can move on!

Fortunately Gary and Gayla came down this weekend to stay with us so they could keep Ella Ann while Spencer and I went to his graduation ceremony Friday night at Maggiano's. YES! Spencer is done with residency!! He got his diploma that evening! We had a fantastic meal and enjoyed the company of all of his friends. It was a welcomed break from the chaos of this week. It was also helpful to have Gary and Gayla here so that we could drive around and look at homes without Ella Ann.

I will keep you all posted on the home search!

This is what our living room looks like at the moment!

She always wants to get in my boxes!

Every single picture I tried to take turned out badly at Spencer's graduation ceremony because the lighting was so poor. This was the best one I could find to at least post.

Mommy's little helper. Ella Ann always wants to help me, no matter what I'm doing. Lately I've started letting her help me unload the dishwasher, which she runs from the living room to help me do! I pull up her stool and let her put all the silverware up, except for the sharp knives! She usually gets it all in the right compartment too!

This is the one and only picture I managed to take while Gary and Gayla were here. We mainly just hung out at the house because we were all so tired!


Danielle said...

Congrats on selling your condo! Chad & I can completely relate to the stress of trying to unload a house in a down market with a little one running around all the time. Happy house hunting - at least now you'll get to enjoy being on the buyer's end of the market! Danielle

Mandy said...

That is a great picture of you and Spencer! I'm so glad you all were able to get out and enjoy yourselves Friday night. Hang in there over the next couple of does get crazy, but it is also fun!