Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Well we just got back from trick-or-treating in the same neighborhood that I went to last year with Ella Ann and I have to say that the night was a complete.........success!!! We first hit the restaurants and shops in the neighborhood that participated in trick-or-treating and then went to a few houses. The evening didn't look like it was off to a good start because the first store we went in Ella Ann clammed up and sat on the floor and cried because she didn't want to say trick-or-treat, but soon after she saw a couple of little girls dressed up that were older than her and they showed her how to do it right and after that she did it all by herself!!! She would quietly say trick-or-treat to everyone, get her candy....or pillage through the massive bowls to find a few that caught her fancy then she tried to take way more than she should, and would politely end with a thank you! Spencer and I had SO much fun together watching her and watching everyone elses reaction to our cute little Minnie Mouse! She loved wearing the costume and even wore the cumbersome gloves for about 10 minutes then they were off for the rest of the night! When we got home she didn't want to take off the costume and wanted to sleep in it! Here are a few pictures from our night!

Ohhh and Ella Ann even wore the costume to Publix this afternoon....ears and all!

Minnie with Minnie!

She had just fallen down before I snapped this picture, but ole' Minnie was up and at em' and ready to get some candy before you could say zippity-do-da!

I would have to hold her back at some of the bowls because she would just keep taking and taking, but Spencer and I were secretly all for it because she would do an awesome job picking out our favorites! In my mind I would say..."ohhh no, a little to the left and grab those peanut M&Ms.... we hate Almond Joy!!"

I posted this dark picture anyway because it's the only one we have of us walking up to the door.


Mandy said...
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Mandy said...

Oh my goodness...she is just the cutest Minnie Mouse I have ever seen!! I can't wait to show Carter the pictures of her all dressed up. I'm so glad you all had fun! We'll see you in 2 days!
p.s. I have to know...has Ella Ann eaten any candy yet??? :)

NANA said...

That is absolutely the cutest!!! Whatever happened to the scary costumes, I for one am glad to see them gone. She looked so cute and I am glad she came thru for her Mommy and Daddy with all the goodies! Hope you have a great birthday weekend.
Love, Connie