Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ohhh Won't You Sing Along With Me

Mandy posted on her blog a video of Carter singing and Jana has done the same with Mara Kate. Since our video camera hasn't been working since our vacation and I have been wanting to post a video of Ella Ann doing the same thing, Spencer got the brilliant idea that I use our handy dandy camera to video her! Since Ella Ann resists having any picture or video of her taken these days I had to bribe her to get her to sing! I told her that she could watch Elmo if she would sing for the camera, which she happily did for her little red furry friend....never for just Mommy, of course! She can sing "I Love You", i.e., Carter's song, much better than in this video, but she was distracted by her toys and her reflection in our television (which was turned off)!


Jana said...

SO good!!! I'm very impressed! :)

Mandy said...

I LOVE it!! She did so good and has learned so much since HH!!! I can't wait to show Carter! I can't wait to see her in a couple of weeks for her birthday!!!