Sunday, October 28, 2007

Toccoa, Helen, & Home

This weekend the three of us went to Toccoa, Georgia again so that Spencer could work at their hospital. Spencer and I had told Ella Ann we would be going to Toccoa earlier this week so all week long she kept saying "Coooowaaa!!!" around the house and each time we got in the car! She loves to go there!! On our way, we made our usual pit stop at Jaemor Farms and picked up some produce. The place was crazy busy with busloads of senior citizens! Their name tags said "Seniors Travel and Leisure Group" so you know they were in it to win it at the farm! They were buying things left and right! I have no idea where they were going to put all that stuff on their Greyhound! Anyway, several of the women would stop and say hello to Ella Ann and she would immediately cower behind Spencer's legs or grab onto them for dear life...all the while giving them her hairy eyeball!

Once we got to Toccoa we dropped off our stuff and went to eat Mexican for dinner. On Saturday, Ella Ann got up before dawn so we were up and at em' pretty early. We walked to get my cappuccino this time and then hurried back to the hotel so we could get ready and drive to Helen, Georgia. I've been wanting to drive the 30 miles north of Toccoa to Helen to see what it was all about. Several people from Toccoa and some of my friends have mentioned how neat of a place it is and that I must go and see it while I was in Toccoa. Ella Ann and I hit the road at 9:30 a.m. and drove through the mountains (amazing scenery with the fall foliage and neat small towns) to Helen. It was really neat coming into the town because you are at the top of a mountain and then look down into Helen and every single building, house, etc. is done in the stucco-type structure with a red roof. It has a German/Swiss look to the entire town, even the Wendy's looks European! It was really neat! Since this was the last weekend of Oktoberfest Helen was packed with tourists. They had all kinds of breweries, beer gardens, wineries, candy shops, German bakeries, boutiques, etc. in a very pretty town square. Ella Ann and I got out and walked around as fast as possible since we had to hurry back to Toccoa to eat lunch and so she could nap. We picked up some German candy (the people actually spoke German at the shop) and did some sampling at other stores for fun. They also had a stage set up and a group of girls were clogging for the audience. Even though Ella Ann got to pet a horse and walk around with me instead of riding in her stroller, she was dead set on playing on a playground (I don't know why). Therefore, every thing we did that did not involve playing on a playground she was NOT happy about. In fact she threw an obscene amount of tantrums while we were there and I was very ready to get her to bed! It wasn't the most enjoyable trip, but I was glad I went and saw how neat Helen truly is!

I had planned on leaving early Sunday morning again but Spencer said he wouldn't mind if I went ahead and left Saturday late afternoon. I hated leaving him there all alone, but I know lots of football would keep him company! :) Ella Ann and I got home that evening and went to church this morning. I guess we will just head down to Centennial Park this afternoon so she can have some much needed playtime on a playground!

All Ella Ann wanted to do was rock the rocking chairs while at Jaemor Farms!

She tried to help me carry some of my veggies.

Checking out the pumpkin patch with Daddy.

Do we know how to have fun or what?!?!

Driving through Helen.

Ella Ann making a new friend in Helen! She wasn't afraid at all and would go right up to her and pet her nose!

A real live horsey is very exciting!

These pictures are of Helen's town square. Very, very pretty!

This is what happened when I asked her if she would stand there so I could take her picture......a big arching of the back, coupled with a "NOOOOO!!!!", then ending with her rolling around on the ground kicking her legs! People had to walk around this crazy kid!

Fortunately I did manage to locate a playround, but we were could only stay for like 10 minutes, so you can just imagine what it she was like when I grabbed her off the equipment to walk back to the car! Ohhh and this is the beloved trick-or-treat shirt that she refuses to take off!


Mandy said...

Looks like you guys had a fun weekend! Carter is already talking about Ella Ann's birthday this weekend. He is so excited to come and play!!

Danielle said...

My mommy says her favorite part of parenthood is controlling public tantrums! Sounds like you had your fair share this weekend. You two could commiserate!