Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Mama Got Her a New Pair of Shoes, or So She Thought

I ordered a pair of shoes to wear around the house because my feet have been hurting off and on for about a year because I usually am never wearing shoes since I stay home. It was a sad day when the high heels went into semi-retirement! Anyway, I ordered a pair of shoes from Naturalizer with Dr. Scholls's gel inserts built in, ohhh I know I sound like an old woman but my feet HURT, and they arrived at my doorstep yesterday. Well, as soon as I took out my wonderfully comfortable shoes that are awesome, some one else thought they were pretty darn comfy too! Ella Ann thinks it is so much fun to put on my shoes, which look like skis on her, and scoot across the floor in them. I cannot get them back!!! I even tried giving her several other pairs and she refused all other options. It was my fabulous new kicks or a tantrum ensued! So much for Mommy's poor feet! :)

Also, I wanted to mention that I have FINALLY spotted something about Ella Ann that resembles me! Check out her legs! She's got her Mimi's and Mommy's skinny, knobby-knee legs! YEAY!!! It is more evident in my previous post...the picture of her going down the banana slide. :)


Jana said...

How Funny! MK is obsessed with shoes these days too...one of her favorite things to say and she carried different pairs around with her---hers or mine--doesn't matter, as long as she has shoes at arms reach!

Your shoes look comfy!!! Hope they help your feet to not hurt, once EA tires of them and lets you have them back. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah she has your legs. Spencer's legs are fat trunks....

Mandy said...

Cute!! She is definitely a Mama's girl...right down to her shoes! I can't wait to see her in a couple of days!