Sunday, August 12, 2007

Finally Some Family Time

We have been long overdue for a visit with Spencer's family, so this weekend we loaded up and headed to Tennessee to see everyone. Spencer got off early on Friday so we got to Mandy's house around 3 central time, which was great. Unfortunately I think Ella Ann is starting to not be able to sleep in the car because she slept for only 1 hour on our way there and for a whopping 30 minutes on the trip home this afternoon. This is NOT good for my very long trips to Kentucky when I'm all by myself with her! Thankfully she doesn't mind being in her car seat and doesn't complain/whine too much...usually!
Craig and Kasey came over and we had dinner with everyone Friday night after lots of playing and catching up. We just hung out on Saturday and the girls did some shopping while the boys kept the sleeping kids. We went out to dinner on Saturday evening, church Sunday morning, followed by lunch and then we hit the road. It was a short visit, but I was so excited to go, as was Spencer, so it was worth every minute on the road! Ella Ann couldn't stop talking about Carter and "Seff" most of the way there and would ask for everyone by name on our way home. Her and Carter just played and played together and Ella Ann loved helping feed Seth his bottle and pushing him in his swing! The older they get the more fun it is to watch them all together. It is very entertaining!
Carter gave Ella Ann a Sesame Street sticker book, which she loved!
She also got some new books from Nana and Papa and would bring one to anyone willing to read to her, which was not Spencer or I the entire weekend! :)
Playing with Carter's new modeling clay set.
Even though the swing is motorized, Ella Ann felt the need to help it along!
Seth snuck some chew time in with Ella Ann's beloved horse!
In case you were wondering, no, the stickers never ended up on the pages, they always were stuck to Ella Ann! She kept putting the largest ones on her face! She also enjoyed being pushed on Carter's new tricycle, which tumbled over on her twice and she got right back up and never missed a beat!

This is how Spencer and Craig spent most of the weekend. :)

We tried, once again, to get a decent picture of the 3 grandchildren together to no avail!

Before church on Sunday.

Well we tried again Sunday morning and it failed then too!


Mandy said...

We had such a good weekend with you guys! I hope Ella Ann bounced back to her normal nap today!

Jana said...

Family time---what fun! Glad you all got to go and hang out with them. It is fun watching cousins play together--and it does get better the older they get!