Thursday, August 26, 2010


I do not, by any means, claim to be a good photographer, even though I absolutely love taking pictures....especially of my kids! There is something so special about their sweet, innocent faces that melts my heart and I always want to be surrounded by them, albeit in photographs, for the rest of my life. I have all kinds of professional photos of Ella Ann in 6-month increments until she turned 2, then I started having both kids pictures taken at the same time once a year. To be fair to Rane, I "strap" on my camera and try my very best to capture him as a "real" photographer would every 6 months. We recently bought a new camera that is fantastic, and, along with a professional picture editing thingy on our computer I managed to turn Rane into a super model baby! hahahaa! I understand that I have a completely horrible background, but I honestly didn't expect to get any good pictures of him when I was taking them so I didn't bother to move him from the spot where he laid down. I tried to figure out how to fade the background but I couldn't do it so the last picture is the best, where my air vent is covered up! Just focus on his cute face instead!

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