Monday, May 03, 2010

The Usual....Sort Of

You know, the usual outside, play with the neighbors, shop, chase the rooster in our backyard, etc. Ella Ann and Rane enjoyed the last activity the most, since we live on a farm and all in the middle of the city. There is a rooster, oh and a duck and chickens, that live on the other side of our fence. It is just lovely to have a rooster wake you up in the middle of the night crowing to beat the band. I often have to turn on the fan that is beside the bed to drown him out. I h-a-t-e the rooster. This is the second rooster that the neighbors have owned....the first one was eaten by a wild animal (or shot by another neighbor, perhaps). Had Spencer been home (he was in Toccoa all weekend) the rooster would have been in my crock pot for dinner. So the beloved rooster somehow managed to wiggle it's way through a crack in the fence on Saturday afternoon. I thought it sounded really close to my kitchen so when I looked outside I saw it running back and fourth across the yard. Ella Ann and Rane immediately went outside to watch the crazy animal. This rooster is humongous. He must be the granddaddy of all roosters. He could not figure out how to get back over the fence so it was very distraught. Ella Ann would keep her distance but Rane would stand close to it and yell and flap his arms....he was so excited! I texted Spencer to tell him that the rooster was entertaining the kids and he quickly sent me a message telling me to get them inside because the rooster has attacked a kid before! I bolted out the door, yelled at Ella Ann to run inside and grabbed Rane as if he was going to be attacked by a rabid dog. I'm sure I was quite a sight! Anyway, the rooster made it back to his pen, darn it all.

On Friday Ella Ann played with Jordan and Kayla in the backyard. Spencer turned on the sprinkler to water our garden (it's majorly growing!!!) and the kids all put on their bathing suits to play in the water. Ella Ann would not run through the sprinkler because she dislikes getting her face wet so she was afraid. Of course Jordan and Kayla soaked themselves.

Spencer went to Toccoa very early Saturday morning. The kids and I went to the mall to do a little shopping, courtsey of some returns that I needed to make and a gift card that was burning a hole in my pocket. I got a lot of stuff and didn't spend a dime!

Of course being that I am from Kentucky the Derby was going to be a big part of my Saturday afternoon. I dressed Rane in his "horsey" onesie that a friend gave to me and we were ready to watch the races! I had the coverage of the Derby on all day...definitely the first time I willingly watched ESPN without my husband! I actually fed the kids their dinner in front of the television (I know, bad mommy) because I didn't want to miss any of it! Ella Ann was really excited, have no idea why since she has no clue as to what the Derby is, and we really had fun watching it together. Rane would look at the tv, see a horse and say, "naaaaaaayyyy!"

Sunday we went to church and to Trader Joe's in the afternoon. Quite an exciting weekend, wasn't it?

The kids took the umbrella off of the picnic table and would run through the sprinkler with it.

No sprinkler for Ella Ann!
Kayla and Ella Ann colored in Ella Ann's workbook for a while.

It's Derby Day!
Underneath "Horsey" it says "Louisville, Kentucky." Very appropriate for the day!

My nemesis.

Ella Ann took off running because the rooster (see him in the far left corner peeking out between the two tires?) was getting too close! I think this picture is hilarious!

Where can you beat such fantastic entertainment?

1 comment:

Janelle said...

I hate roosters. In college some of the boys who lived beneath us thought it would be funny to get a rooster. It was right outside my window and I spent about 1 hour throwing hunks of ice at it. I finally got my aim down and hit it enough times that it stopped crowing. Maybe try that next time. :)