Saturday, May 15, 2010

Our Little Ballerina

Ella Ann has been taking ballet on Wednesdays each week at her preschool. She used to absolutely love it but in the last couple of weeks I think she has grown tired of it and is ready to move on to something else. Sniff, sniff. I hope she changes her mind because seeing her today doing her thang on stage at her ballet recital was just too cute for words. I took ballet, tap, jazz and gymnastics all throughout my childhood so it is only natural for me to want Ella Ann to participate in these activities. Knowing my luck she will just love soccer. I'm kidding....sort of! So I had to arrive 30 minutes before the recital started with Ella Ann to help her get ready. It was so much fun to watch her and the other girls put on their adorable costumes (no, we didn't get to keep them) and look so grown up! I turned to one of my mom friends and said, "I love having a girl!" Ella Ann looked so darn cute in her costume and I couldn't wait for Spencer to see her!

She did a great job during the long recital. I didn't realize she knew so much and I was impressed! All the little girls did well and it was fun to watch them up on stage. Rane wandered throughout the room during the recital and at one point I had to remove him from the stage area because he wanted up on it. He is a handful when it comes to things like this. Next time we will get a sitter! The parents couldn't help but ewwww and ahhhhh over their sweet little girls and I know it even melted Spencer's heart to see his little girl up there. It was great!
As soon as she saw the costumes she said to me, "Mommy, Mommy! I love it, I love it!" She really liked the pink gloves!

Man, did I do a good job on that bun, or what? I will be invaluable to her at prom! ha!

Ella Ann and her little friends before the show started.

Ella Ann and one of her best friends from her class and ballet, Mary Francis.

Yes, I know I look horrific but I had a root canal yesterday so don't judge!

Rane working the crowd, as usual.

As they were coming in Ella Ann spotted us and started smiling really big.

Sashaying across the stage to her teacher, Miss Heidi.

Getting her Certificate of Completion from Miss Heidi.

Ella Ann loves Miss Heidi even though she got shy on me when I asked her to stand beside her!


Jana said...

So cute! I know it was a fun morning watching her dance across that stage. :)

Anonymous said...

Ella Ann looks beautiful! Dance class is worth it just for the costumes and recitals. She will get interested in ballet again.
