Friday, November 20, 2009

Day 2

It's day 2 of my 30s and so far so okay. I mean can I really say "good".....I'm 10 years, now, away from 40. What's good about that?!?! I loved my 20s (warning, I'm going philosophical now)....such a fun time in my life...the absolute best time, I should say. I know I really don't have much to compare it to, I was a teenager before that but still, I don't think my 20s can be topped. So many wonderful things happened in that decade (wow, already going past sad). I went to college and met my best friends, my ADPi sisters, I went to date parties galore, stayed up super late (never, ever do that anymore) talking with my girlfriends and laughing with them so hard that my abs were sore the next day, lived with 4 of my best friends my senior year and loved every minute with them, I met my husband, dated him for 1 1/2 years and then we got married. It was just "us" then....we came and went as we pleased, went out to dinner, went on fun trips together and we were dirt poor (not a bad thing). We got our first pet, a cat, and that's all we had to care for, besides each other. We moved to Atlanta and bought our very first home. Five months later we brought our first baby home from the hospital. Three years later we had our baby boy. My parents also became my friends. Not that we were enemies by any stretch of the imagination, but I guess I realized they often have good advice, know what they are talking about, are really fun people to be around and can not only be my parents but they can be my friends as well. All these big events and fun times happened in my 20s. How can the 30s top all of those mile markers I do not know. I am not dreading my 30s or anything, it just weird to be them...already. I cannot believe how fast the last 10 years have gone. I know I have lots to look forward to in my 30s, God willing. I really look forward to, as Spencer reminded me of yesterday, stability. We didn't have much money for most of our 20s and the future was uncertain as to where we were going to live, move, make it, etc. In our 30s we will be able to relax because Spencer will be DONE with all this medical training that I'm so-o over, as is he. We can actually enjoy the fruits of Spencer's labor.....side note, nice I get to enjoy those fruits without having to go to work! The friends I have now are my friends for life and our relationships will only deepen over the years. Hopefully we will have another baby and I get to watch my babies grow into children in this decade. Extracurricular activities will start with them in the next few years and Spencer and I get to cheer for our kids at ballgames, recitals, and at school. We will finally be close to our family. We just have 2 years left in Atlanta, sad for sure, but it will be a whole new world for us to be close to our loved ones and our children will grow up with their grandparents and cousins. What a blessing to us and to them. Spencer and I will get to go to Europe together in this decade, or to some far off, spectacular place. So with that said I will focus on the positives of being 30....of course I will NOT dwell on the onset of bags under my eyes, wrinkles, slowing of my metabolism, butt sagging, and the aches and pains of getting older. No never, not me!

Yesterday was a great birthday. Spencer and the kids made it super special. Spencer got home from work late morning and had a beautiful arrangement of flowers waiting for me after I got home from the bank and my favorite velvet with cream cheese icing. We got outside and enjoyed the fantastic weather and when the kids were up from rest time we surprised Ella Ann by taking her to the mall to ride the Pink Pig and chat it up with Santa. She was on cloud 900! She was so excited to ride that stupid Pig. I made Spencer ride it this year since it was just us girls last year when I took her. I'm sure Spencer thought it was just like riding the Rockin' Roller Coaster. Well we did it for Ella Ann anyway, she loves it and that's all that matters. She actually talked to Santa and got her favorite thing of the day when she hopped off his lap, a candy cane. We put Rane on Santa's lap as well for the picture and of course what does he do? Turns around, looks up at Santa and starts yanking at his beard. It was so hard to get him to turn around and look at the camera and leave the poor man's (real) beard alone! It isn't the best picture, I have to say, but at least we have it. After that we headed to the Highlands for sushi and sashimi. Man it was good. I ate my weight in raw fish and couldn't have been happier. Spencer had a cooked meal but kept snatching off my plate so I think I'm converting him. The waitress sang "Happy Birthday" to me and we all ate the green tea ice cream I received...Ella Ann, I thought, was going to pick the dish up and lick the bottom of it, she loved it. Ella Ann sang "Happy Birthday" to me no less than 15 times yesterday. It was sweet.

Here are some pictures from our day....

Smelling each and every flower in the bunch!

Tickets in hand and ready to ride!!!

They are ready!

Here they come!

Stickers from the Pig, candy cane from Santa....the day couldn't have gotten any better for her! Oh and you want to know what she asked for from Santa? A Snow White costume, Cinderella gloves and skirts. No I didn't prompt her, she thought of those on her own.



Jana said...

Great post about your 20's and the upcoming decade as well! It does look like you all had a fun day all the way around. The flowers are so pretty and I laughed because Kane sometimes puts flowers he buys in a pitcher instead of a vase! ha!

Had a great time with you at the movie tonight! We'll do it again when the next one comes out!

Mandy said...

Sounds like a great day!! I'm glad it was a special day and you were able to enjoy it as a family. :) The kids look so cute...can't wait to see them in a few weeks. We miss you guys!
p.s. The 30s aren't that bad...I'm thinking they are going to be better than my 20s! :)