Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Review

I'm sorry to our faithful readers! The computer that I blog on and upload pictures had a virus and Spencer couldn't fix it until this weekend so here I am! Now that our house is 80% packed we don't have too much to do around here besides hang out, which has been a nice change of pace for us. Believe me when I say I am a complete packing pro at this point and after packing so many times I do not care about our stuff so it literally just gets thrown into a box and I cross my fingers as I walk away and hope it gets to the new place in one piece. I took Ella Ann earlier in the week to get her very first haircut at a salon. I received the card for "Baby's First Haircut".....ummm I'm a little late on that I suppose! I made a last minute appointment for the both of us so I didn't have time to prep her for the big cutting (it was only a trim). The girl put a big black cape on her and she immediately wasn't having that on her so it was traded for a small, animal print one for kids. She kept looking over at me while I was getting my hair trimmed (Rane was in between the both of us in his car seat...what a treat to take two kids to a salon) with the "I don't know about this" look but once the stylist started combing her hair she was all about it! Ella Ann will one day be my spa buddy for sure! She is always asking us to comb her hair, part it (it feels fantastic) and rub and scratch her back.

Rane's teeth have finally come completely through the gums so he is sleeping a little better (although the last 2 mornings he's back up before 6 a.m.) and isn't as fussy. His naps are great most days (1.5 hours two times a day) and he goes down between 7 and 7:30 p.m. and is up around 6:30 a.m. (hopefully). He is still attempting to crawl but now that he has figured out he can roll to wherever he wants to be he will just fall over and get there that way. He is so strong too! He will do a push up, no joke, but not like bend his arms or anything. This is what he does when he gets frustrated when he cannot crawl. He will also grab my cheeks, back of my neck, hair, shirt, whatever is in sight and hold on for dear life. It hurts!

Ella Ann starts school the Wednesday after Labor Day and will take ballet for the first time that day as well. She will stay for Lunch Bunch in between. That should go over very well......can you sense my eye roll? The house we are moving to at the end of this month is about 1.5 miles from her school so I am really looking forward to being so close! Ella Ann has also decided that naps are for sissies and stays up for "rest time" now days. I'm okay with it (deep breaths, deeeeeeeep breaths Katie). She goes down for bed time early now so at least I have that going for me! She will stay down in her room for 1.5 hours for her quiet time and play by herself and most days she does just fine. She has also said and done some pretty funny things lately, as you can imagine, but the best one is when she came up to me in the kitchen the other day and said, "Mommy I licked the soap (liquid soap). It is in my mouth. I will NOT be doing that again." Okay, thank you very much. I love it when I do not have to intervene for a good lesson to be learned! As soon as Spencer hits the door Minnie Mouse (this is her costume of choice this week) greets him and says, "Hello Prince Charming! Do you want to dance with me?" She has her Minne ears on and wand in hand and she is ready for Spencer to take her to her ball! Now, if you had a bad day wouldn't this just make it 100% better if you were greeted that way when you got home? She is a sweetie! Spencer is taking her this coming Saturday to see Dora Live at the Fox Theater downtown. I am so excited for them to go on their father/daughter date to the Fox! Ella Ann is so excited to see Dora she can hardly contain herself. She told me today she was going to ask Dora how to say purple in Spanish. That is another kick Ella Ann is on right now is learning to say words in Spanish. My good friend, Andria, and her husband only speak Spanish in their household so their two children are bilingual. I would love that for Ella Ann but it is too expensive to have lessons at the moment so we think of words she wants to learn in Spanish and the next time we see Diego, Andria's little boy, we ask him. She's actually learned a lot so far!

This weekend Gary and Gayla also came down for a visit. They stayed with us this time so it was great to have them in the mornings! They got here Friday afternoon and we grilled steaks for dinner. On Saturday we went to lunch at Fox Brother's Barbecue and it was so good! It's now a new favorite of mine in the A-T-L. I went to the Aveda Institute Saturday morning for a $20 facial. Oh words cannot describe how amazing it was....and was so cheap! I also went and did some shopping that afternoon alone so it was a fabulous day for me! Spencer also got out by himself while the grandparents got to enjoy their grandchildren. We ordered in for dinner that evening and they left when we went to church this morning. My Mom will be arriving on Tuesday and will stay until Saturday so I am VERY thankful for a steady flow of house guests!

We give Rane his baths in the kitchen sink. I love these kinds of easy baths!

She's whining, "Noooooooo..."

Relaxing into the haircut! "Mommy, why is she putting toilet paper on my neck?" This is what she yelled over to me after I took this picture.

We have a big, ugly octogon window (don't's stained glass too) in the house we are in right now and there are always rainbows on the floor in the afternoon. Rane was sitting in one so I took a picture. He also enjoys chewing his bottom lip, which is what he is doing in the above pic.

We put Rane in Ella Ann's Bilibo this week.....

what a sport! He thought it was fun!

Practicing his push ups! Side note, I took this picture at 6 a.m. yesterday morning, that's why it's so dark! Ugggh!

Lunch at Fox Brother's.

I took a picture of Ella Ann with her earrings on....her other new favorite thing to wear everywhere.

Doing her workbook with Papa.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Sounds like you guys are busy! I love the picture of Rane in the bilibo...he looks a lot like Ella Ann. I can't wait to see you all next weekend!
