Sunday, July 12, 2009

What a Steal!

I must shout it from the roof tops....."I bought a $150 area rug at Lowe's this weekend for $20!!!" Yes siree I most certainly did! I saw the rug first and really liked it then realized the tag said clearance so that made me love it even more. I asked the Lowe's man if they had one in stock and he said the only one they had was the one I was admiring on display so they could give it to me for $80. However, the "display people" can only take down the rugs so I had to wait for him to call me on Saturday to tell me I could come and get it after it was taken down. So he called me yesterday and said it was ready for pick up. About 5 minutes later he calls me back and says that he spoke with his manager and they could sell it to me for $20! I started laughing and asked if he was serious and if there was anything wrong with it. He kinda laughed and said no but since it already needed to be marked down even further AND it was a display rug that they could sell it to me for really cheap. AWESOMEEEEEEEE! I immediately went to Lowe's and got it! Great service too, may I add, so props to Lowe's! I was SO excited and called Spencer in the midst of my giddyness and told him how much I bought the rug for and he started laughing as well! We had planned to spend close to $300 or more on a rug and ended up spending $20! I can never find a good bargain so this is why I am bragging! I can't believe I did it myself!!! It's not as big as we would have liked it to be but it meets the need and is pretty to boot so I am tickled pink!

This morning I went to wake up Rane (yeah, I know...awesome) and I had to take a picture of him. He's so precious....

Ever since we moved in last week, Ella Ann thinks it's super fun to throw down blankets on the floor (before the rug), surround the blankets with ALL the pillows off the couch, chair and Rane's room and pretend her and Rane are on either a train or an airplane that's headed to the beach. Rane has all his toys and Ella Ann lines up the guinea pig, dog, panda and unicorn and they are off in Ella Ann's imaginary world for a good hour. It's great! Here's their airplane:

Rane loves, loves, loves this ball..........

It is his favorite thing to play with. I had forgotten about it and then found it in his room last week so I gave it to him. He works so hard trying to pick that thing up and when he does it's like a dog with a toy in it's mouth. He smashes that big ball on his face and tries to get it all in his mouth.


Jana said...

I like the rug and I'm proud of you for getting a great deal. Is your rug in the back room or did you move the couch to the front room since I've been there?!

Rane is such a cutie---precious picture of him sound asleep. So peaceful and that that boy is so sweet.

Mandy said...

Great deal! A rug for $20 is definitely a steal. I love the pictures. They are so sweet together. Can't wait to see you all soon!


Janelle said...

Woo-hoo for you girl!! I love the rug, and what a steal! :)