Wednesday, July 08, 2009

We're Back

Finally a post! Busy, busy, busy is all I have to say. I worked my tail off last week with the movers on moving day and then unpacking, cleaning like you wouldn't believe, and decorating. I was able to go to Kentucky to my parent's house on Friday and relax knowing I had taken care of pretty much everything, except for a trip to IKEA to get some more stuff for the house. We still need to get a new couch and rug for our TV room, but that's about it. The people that lived here before us had a golden retriever that was an outside dog except for a night...then he got to sleep in the master bedroom. Gotta love that one. I hate dogs...did you know that? I hate the smell of dogs so I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed our walls and floors some more until I couldn't smell anymore dog. Yuck. Thankfully when I walked in my door yesterday I no longer smelled the pooch. Yeay!

The kids had a blast, I mean a blast, at my parent's house and at their Nana and Papa's last week. For the first two hours of our ride home yesterday all I heard from Ella Ann was, "Mommy, I don't want to go home!" Of course she was SO excited to see her Daddy and her new bedroom but she was sure going to miss those ever-entertaining grandparents! Spencer and I thoroughly enjoyed our time alone here in Atlanta last week as well. Even though we were super busy with the house, we made a point to go out every night for dinner. It was SO nice to not have to deal with an early bedtime, naps, baby food, bottles, whining and complaining, etc! Wow, it was sure easy enough to slip back into the pre-baby lifestyle! I missed them both like crazy and would go in Rane's closet just to smell his clothes each day but I enjoyed my time with Spencer without any interruptions.

I drove up to my parent's house on Friday. Everyone was waiting in the driveway and I hadn't even got one foot out of the car before Ella Ann jumped on top of was so sweet! Rane gave me a huge smile and started kicking like crazy as well. Rane also decided it would be fun to start babbling and sitting up unassisted while I was gone. I am never allowed to miss another milestone in his life...bad mommy! :) He thought it would be nice to sleep in for the grandparents as well while he was there. What happened to 5:30 a.m.? Oh he saved that for me when I got there. He is sleeping in now in the a.m., except for that first night I was there. Whew. Anyway, on Friday afternoon we headed over to Sara's parent's house to visit with her and Lucy, and of course Sara's mom, Sandy. The two babies were so cute together! They sat by each other and would just stare at each other's faces and start to grab at clothing and eyeballs!

On Saturday Mom and I drove to Evansville with the kids to do a little shopping. Ella Ann got to ride the carousel at the mall so that was a thrill for her. She also went to the Build-A-Bear store and built, oh no not a bear of course, but a big, gaudy pink unicorn that has embroidered shooting stars all over it. It's just beautiful. Oh well, she's absolutely in love with it so that's all that matters. She got to stuff it with love, kisses, hugs, etc., put in a beating heart and giggles, give it a bath and pick out clothes and pj's for the thing. Guess what she picked out for the unicorn to wear? A Cinderella costume of course! She received a backpack to carry Ella (that's what she named it) around in and that was the icing on the cake. She has slept with Ella every night and it goes everywhere with us.

Sunday and Monday we laid low at my parent's house and played with the kids. I tried to get some good shots of Rane outside since he is now 6 months old and I have zero pictures of him and all the pictures in our home are pretty much an ode to Ella Ann. I am going to try and take some more this week because my battery was dying. We also went digging around in my parent's storage room and found all my old dance costumes from when I used to take ballet, tap, jazz and gymnastics. Several of the costumes fit Ella Ann so she had a ball playing dress up. We had to bring 4 of them home, along with one of my old has my name on it but she absolutely HAD to have it. She wore it for a full 24 hours at one point. Thankfully it is dirty at the moment! My grandmother gave me the leotard and she passed away when I was 4 years old so it is a very special leotard and so sweet when we see Ella Ann running around in it. I loved it nearly as much as her back in the day.

Well I headed home early Tuesday morning and made good time. We stopped at Taco Bell on the way home and Rane got to sit in a high chair at a restaurant for the very first time! He loved it! Life is getting ready to get easier...I can almost taste it! :) The kids were SO happy to see Spencer! As soon as Rane saw Spencer he smiled really big and reached out his little hand to touch his Daddy's face! Awwww! Ella Ann was pumped to show him all her new loot as well. She loved, loved her new bedroom and I had no problems with bedtime or nap time today. Wahoo!

So I took 53 pictures while I was away, none of the new place so those will be up shortly. I have a few below for my parent's to see but click HERE to view all of them.

Lucy and Rane.

Rane loves his grandpa....just like Ella Ann!

Playing in the pool on their deck one evening.

Each night before bed the kids would be on top of Grandpa for a good hour. Ella Ann would grab some books and park it there forever!

This is it...the unicorn! :)

Look at Rane! He's such a cutie!

That Mimi, she's so mean!

Ella Ann in one of my costumes.

I know, I know....but Mom and I just couldn't help it! Hey, the poor boy hangs out with girls all day long, what do you expect? A feather headband isn't THAT bad! :)

Rane loved the tutu's. He would try with all his might to grab them and shove a corner in his mouth but Ella Ann wouldn't have it!


Jana said...

glad you are home. Looking forward to catching up tomorrow, seeing you and your new house too!

Anonymous said...

Katie, We hate to break it to you, but a feathered headband IS too much for a little boy! Thatcher draws the line at wearing pink hats and singing show tunes. Danielle & Company

Mandy said...

Cute pictures! Rane is getting so big and is the perfect mix of you and Spencer. I'm glad ya'll are home and getting settled. I hope it is going well!


Janelle said...

sweet pics. lol on the unicorns' name. Anna-Kate's favorite doll--"kate". :)