Monday, November 24, 2008


Sorry that I haven't updated in a while and sorry in advance for not posting pictures with this post! We have had such a busy week last week that I didn't drag my camera around and I have been too tired to report on our happenings! I just thought I would update you with what we've been up to lately, since that's what I do every week! Last week was filled with doctor appointments (just checkups), play dates, Bible study, school, errands, Christmas shopping, dinner dates, movies, and a party. Whew! The schedule isn't much different from our usual weekly activities, except that it included more of them! Kane, Jana, and Mara Kate came over Thursday night to have dinner with us and play Wii. Unfortunately Spencer was held up at the hospital and missed most of our time with the Barker's, but we managed to still have a really good time. It was fun to watch Kane and Jana look so silly playing I know what I look like! ha! We look forward to getting more games for Christmas so we can have them over again!

On Friday night Jana and I went to the premiere of "Twilight", which we had bought tickets for two weeks prior!!! We both have read all 4 books in the series, are addicted to them like a drug, and counted down the days and hours until it was time to see the movie!!! Of course the entire theater was filled with teeny boppers and teenagers and Jana and I laughed at them throughout the whole movie. They squealed, screamed, ahhhhhed over Edward, and clapped....of course Jana and I tried to keep our composure as well when our beloved Edward made it on screen!! I'm telling you, if you have yet to read the books DO IT! They are such fun!

Saturday my friend, Andria, and her family had a housewarming party. Ella Ann and I arrived a bit early to help Andria set up since she wasn't feeling well and was expecting 50+ people at her house. It was a very fun party and Ella Ann was not too happy to leave since she got to play outside and all of her buddies were there!

Those were the highlights of our week and I won't bore you with explaining our usual activities! Today when I picked up Ella Ann at school they had her school pictures to give to me. I thought they wouldn't be that good since it is hard enough for me to get Ella Ann to smile for a picture, let alone a complete stranger at school! However, they turned out so well and I was thrilled she smiled! As soon as I saw them I thought I was looking at Spencer's 3-year pictures! I know she looks like him but the picture seals the deal. I wish I had a scanner so I could upload it and show it to you all. People probably assume I am the nanny! Don't worry grandparents I have a picture for you! It was weird to be handed her school picture, I can't believe she is old enough to even have them...I nearly shed tears!! :)

Ella Ann is also into telling stories now. She is still obsessed with talking about our trip with my Mom this past spring to Savannah and Tybee Island. She will come to me and tell me all that she did at Tybee Island, including vomiting in the car on the way to Savannah (which was always "yesterday" according to Ella Ann). I will often get out her pail and shovels so she can pretend to dig in the sand that is apparently in our hallway. When I asked her who she played with today at school she ran through her list of little friends which included Adam. Here is our conversation: "Adam had red spots on his hands today." My response, "Why did he have red spots?" Ella Ann said, "Because he fell down." I ask, "Where did he fall down?" Ella Ann: "At Tybee Island." Oh that kid, she makes me laugh!

I promise to post pictures very soon! My parents are coming down on Wednesday for Thanksgiving so I'm sure I'll have more interesting things to write about! Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Jana said...

I am SOO glad we got to go see Twilight WILL be a tradition!

It was halarious laughing at all the squealing from the teen girls in the theater with us. I thought the movie was so good and part of me wants to go see it again! I will get it on Netflix and eventually own it though!

Thanks again for having us for supper. It was fun!! You all need to come here once we get through the holidays and that baby gets here!!