Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Ella Ann!!!

Three years ago today our sweet baby girl was born. As Spencer and I were looking back at pictures this week, some of the night I delivered her, I couldn't believe how young we looked. I realize this was ONLY 3 years ago and I was 25, but I still remember coming home and thinking, "What in the world have we done? I have NO CLUE what to do with this kid! I am SO tired and I'm going to flip out any second!" I managed to keep the crazy inside and we have raised Ella Ann these last few years through trial and error and lots of prayer. So far I think she's going to be okay, considering she is still breathing and we are going to have another one in January! Now I couldn't imagine life without her, mainly because of the joy she brings us and how much more fun our lives are with her in them.

I know I always say how I cannot believe she's already 2 and now already 3, but I really mean it! She is growing up right underneath our noses and I need to slow down and take notice of her major milestones every once in a while and savor every day instead of rushing through it. She is such a sweet, funny, loving, compassionate, kind, and adorable (we're a little partial) girl and now that she is getting older these traits are becoming more prominent. She says the funniest things and is SUCH a little mommy already. She wants to do everything I do and mimics me all the time...that can be both good and bad! Often when she says something I think to myself how much it sounded like something I would say. Her teacher told me the other day at school when I picked her up that if they let Ella Ann have control of the class she would happily take it. At first I was a little freaked out that I have such a control freak on my hands (wonder where she got that??? hmmmmm), but then I realized that it can one day be a good thing and she is going to grow up and do fantastic things in this world in a leadership role. She is a blessing in our lives and the lives of our family and I am thankful I get to spend my days with her while she is young. I don't miss a thing....even the bad days!

Every day this week she has asked me, "Is today my birthday party? Can I wear my cupcake shirt?" So on Saturday when she woke up I could finally say, "Yes! Today IS your birthday party and you can wear your cupcake shirt!" I know a few days seems like an eternity to her!

Our family came down this weekend from Kentucky and Tennessee to celebrate with us on Saturday. Ella Ann was SO excited to have her loved ones here, as were Spencer and I! The grandparents arrived first and Zach, Mandy, Craig, Carter and Seth arrived early Saturday afternoon. Once they got here the party started. We had lots of good food and yummy strawberry cake with pink and blue icing (at Ella Ann's request). It was a perfect ewwy gooy pink cake fit for a sweet little girl.

Ella Ann received many wonderful gifts that I know she will enjoy for a long time! The best part for her was, I'm sure, running like mad around the house all day with Carter and Seth! They were fit to be tied to see one another! Carter was super excited to come to Ella Ann's birthday party!

Spencer and I were thrilled to have all of our family here at our house and look forward to hosting Christmas this year! Yeay! Thanks again to our families who did so much to make Ella Ann's birthday special and for traveling through maddening traffic jams to get here. THANK YOU from Ella Ann!

Reading with Grandpa....

and Mimi.

Watching the slideshow Spencer and I put together of Ella Ann these last 3 years.

Seth loved her bouncing zebra!

Opening gifts.

Playing in her new dollhouse with Carter and Daddy.

These were my party favors....jelly bean cupcakes!

Boy was she ready to eat that cake, or icing I should say!

The three kids needed a little help to keep them from being covered in blue and pink icing!

The party goers!

Eating some jelly beans.

Dad trying his hand at Wii golf. He and Ella Ann were playing each was hard to tell who was worse! :)

Spencer and Craig really got into the boxing, along with the kids!


Mandy said...

We had a lot of fun! I loved looking back at the pictures of Ella Ann!

Amy said...

I was blog searching for ideas for my little girls 1st birthday...our theme is cupcakes. I saw your picture of the jelly bean cupcakes and feel in love with them. I'd love to hear how you did it.
Thanks - Amy