Friday, May 16, 2008

Half Birthday Celebration

Today when I woke Ella Ann up I told her we would be celebrating her half birthday today. She was thrilled!! I hadn't made a big deal out of it the past 2 years, but I figured she would be excited about it this year and would kinda know what was going on. When I told her she busted out, "Happy Birthday," only she sang, "Happy Birthday to Mommy, Happy Birthday to Mommy..!" I bought her a puzzle yesterday so she had something new to play with today. We also went to our Music Class this morning and it was a little girl's 5th birthday today so her mom brought in cake for everyone, which Ella Ann refused to eat (she has yet to eat one single bite of any cake her entire life) so I ate her piece! After that we went to the bank and they always give her suckers but I never give them to her but today I let her have it. She had about 4 licks, said "This is soooo good!" and was done. We had to sit outside for about an hour before her nap because someone was coming to see our home. I found Ella Ann a roley poley and knocked it over so she could see it roll up. Well, she just thought that was SO fun! She couldn't say roley poley, so instead she would say, "Holy holy poley poley!!" We had to get up at one point and Ella Ann kept wanting to go back to the spot where we found the bug. Well it had obviously left the premises but Ella Ann insisted on calling the bug....."Holy holy poley poley!!!! Where are you? Did you go home? Mommy, the holy holy poley poley went home, k?" I laughed so hard at her! To say she is entertaining to us is an understatement!

After her nap we went for a quick walk and enjoyed some honeysuckle along the way. I taught her how to get the little drop of honeysuckle out a few weeks ago on one of our walks and now she asks for it all the time. She loves it! After that I took her to McDonald's for an ice cream cone (I had a free coupon that expired today). She really enjoyed that little treat! For dinner I made her favorite...spaghetti, brown rice with veggies, and kiwi! She topped off her fun day with her "nakey dance" after her very first big bubble bath tonight! She has never been able to take bubble baths because of her bad eczma but since she hasn't had an outbreak in a long time I thought we would test the bubbles. What a way to end the day!

At our music class with Jana and Mara Kate.

" the part where you sing, "I love you."

Singing and dancing along with Mrs. Okie.

Don't worry, I was at a red light!

Boy was she excited about that cone!!!

She did a really good job keeping the drips from hitting her hand!

Her vanilla mustache didn't last too long because she kept wanting me to wipe her mouth!

The nakey dance! She came running up to me as I was downloading today's pictures and said, "Mommy!!! Take my picture!"


Anonymous said...

Katie--Hey-this is Jana's sister, Heidi. Ella Ann is getting so big and she's just so pretty! I'm impressed with the ice cream cone!! Grant just turned 3 and still gets his in a cup! Celebrating half-birthdays at home is a great idea! I might do that this year...thanks for sharing!

Mandy said...

What a great day! Sounds like you guys had so much fun. We take the boys for ice cream on their half birthday as well. It's a fun treat since their birthdays are in the winter too! Hope you all had a good weekend!

Jana said...

Well, Since MK's half-birthday is coming up, maybe I can do something to make it a little extra special. Great idea and something I probably wouldn't have thought of without you telling what you did!

Good to see you today. I ate a piece of that cake and it was YUMMY! Especially the icing! :)