Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ella Ann's Antics Part 2

I thought I would again share some of Ella Ann's funny statements over the past few weeks. The older she gets, the funnier she gets! When she responds to something we say to her, Ella Ann often repeats the statement back to us. I think this will help her out when she starts answering open-ended questions in school one day! An example of this is below...

She was sitting on the toilet going #2. As I passed the bathroom to go in her room I said, "Ella Ann! Shoooo wee! You stink!" Ella Ann's response was, "Yes. Yes I do stink."

Potty humor happens on a daily basis lately because Ella Ann is so open and honest about it. She was again sitting on the toilet going #2 and she started giving us a play-by-play while Spencer and I were in the kitchen. We told her we weren't going to sit in there with her because she stunk so she says, "Ohhhh yes, it does stink! Ohhhh here comes my poo! I'm going to have a big poo and a little poo! Ohhhh that was a BIG poo! My belly feels much better when the poo poo comes out of my bottom!"

Yesterday she was talking on her pretend phone to Aunt Mandy and this was her conversation: "Hi Aunt Mandy! What are you doin' this week? Are you playin' with Sefy? What is Sefy doin'?" I was replying to an email from Mandy that afternoon and she asked what I was doing so I told her. She then said to me, "Aunt Mandy loves me," and was pointing to herself!

I asked Ella Ann where God lived and her response was, "In Savannah."

"Mommy, Mara Kate, Miss Jana, Luke, and Miss Megan are my best friends!" I said to her, "I thought Miss Jana and Miss Megan were my friends." She responded, "No Mommy, they are MY FRIENDS!"

I use a washcloth at every meal to clean Ella Ann off after she eats. The other day I said to her, "Ella Ann, these washclothes are getting ragged, we need to get some new ones." She said to me, "Ohhh yes. Those washclofs are gross. We need to go to Wal-Mart and get some new ones."

I said to her as I was opening her car door, "Okay babydoll, hop up." She immediately replies, "My name is not babydoll! My name is Ella Ann!!! Don't call me babydoll!"

The two of us were at the library earlier this week for story time and to pick up some more books for her to read. While I pick out books Ella Ann always plays in the children's area. A man that worked at the library was putting back books near her and she comes running over to me and says in her normal voice, "Mommy, I'm scared of that man. I'm going to sit over here next to my Mommy!" I know he heard her and I felt so bad!

While I was getting ready this morning Ella Ann said she needed her sunglasses. I told her that I would have to get them when I was finished doing my makeup. She said, "I think they're gone." I asked here where she thought they were. She responded, "In the sky." I then asked her what they were doing in the sky. She said, "Floatin'."

1 comment:

Mandy said...

She is too funny! I love reading all her little conversations. And yes, her Aunt Mandy does love her very much!
