Saturday, May 05, 2007

Super Busy Cinco de Mayo

Unfortunately Spencer and I didn't get to celebrate Cinco de Mayo OR the Derby, but we did have a busy Saturday! Surprisingly, there was a lot of Derby coverage for being in Georgia but nothing like it is in Kentucky, which is actually something we miss! The Kentucky Derby is a huge deal for all Kentuckians and we really miss going to Derby parties, watching the Derby, or even going to the Derby! We forgot to record it while we were gone this evening, so this year we didn't even get to watch it! Ohhh well, I guess it's bound to happen when you move out of the state!

This morning I took Ella Ann to have her 18 month pictures taken. I know, I can't believe she's nearly 18 month either. So sad. :( She absolutely hammed it up for our photographer so I am really looking forward to seeing the webshow-----I'll receive it in about 3 weeks, so I'll send out the link as usual. The outfit she is wearing in the pictures below is one of the outfits she wore for her pictures. I had to drive 45 minutes to our photographer's new home, so when we got back to our house I left Ella Ann with Spencer and went to a gardening workshop that a woman at our church was hosting. Her home was so beautiful, as was her was featured in February's issue of Better Homes and Gardens! It was amazing! I learned SO much this afternoon about gardening and cannot wait to have my own yard to start planting. I just hope I don't forget everything by then! :) I even won the drawing and received a small container garden! I just went to listen and get some tips because I had already potted my "garden" before I had heard about the workshop, so I didn't bring a pot of my own to make while there which is what most of the women did. However, one of the ladies had brought an extra pot and there were quite a few plants leftover, so she gave me her big pot and I got to make a big container garden! Yes, I am actually this excited about it!!!!! hahahahaa! Ohhh how my life is changing! :) I couldn't wait to get home and show Spencer and Ella Ann what I had created, rather I should say what the ladies who led the workshop told me to plant and stuffed them in the pot for me while I stood there and said "Ohhhhh I like that!"

Our church held a Family Fun Night this evening that the three of us went to. Ella Ann was one of the youngest kids there, but boy did she have a blast running in circles in the sanctuary with all the other crazy kids! There was lots of good food and the older kids played several games while the parents sat around and talked. Spencer and I were so thankful Ella Ann isn't at the age yet where she can volunteer us to participate in games because 12 of the kids dragged their parents to the front of the room so they could shove baby food down their throats for a prize! I saw one of the mom's literally laying down in one of the isles in the sanctuary trying to hide from her 3 kids, but unfortunately for her they found her! It was quite entertaining!

While I sit here at home tonight Spencer is going out with his friends, which I am so glad he gets to do because it's pretty rare these days that he is able to get out with them. I'm taking one for the team by staying home while Ella Ann sleeps! :)

I am so proud of my beautiful container gardens that I took pictures of them! I'm sure everyone else will be just as excited about it as I am after seeing my lovely potted plants!

Ella Ann is checking out my gardens to make sure I did it right! The big one on the left is the sad one I did before the workshop and the smaller one is the door prize I won!

She got a kick out of the flowers!

Ella Ann is making note of my Impatiens.

Now it's time to go have some fun at church!

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