Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hot Child(ren) In the City

Yesterday afternoon, Jana and I walked from her house to Centennial Olympic Park for some water-filled fun! The park has the Olympic rings in the ground and the rings are composed of fountains that shoot water high in the sky. It is always filled with kids in the spring and summer getting totally soaked and having a blast. Even though we just have toddlers we thought they would have such a good time, even if they did just watch the water. Kane and Jana had taken Mara Kate before, so she was already used to the water and enjoyed it right off the bat. Unfortunately it took Ella Ann a good 20 minutes to even let me put her down on the pavement, but once she realized the water was something fun she joined right in the action! Neither of the girls would run through the water or anything, but they didn't mind getting a little wet. Every 30 minutes or so a dancing water show is held and everyone has to get out of the fountains. One of the songs was "Under the Sea" and the girls really enjoyed dancing to that one! You know my little diva enjoyed all the music! hahahahaa!
Anyway, we had so much fun watching the girls experience something new. Being able to walk around in the city and enjoy all the fun and free things it has to offer is something I will never forget! I feel like I'm on vacation sometimes living here because there are often tourists around us, but I have to remind myself that this is my home and I am very fortunate to be able to experience life in a big city!!
I used the same pictures from Jana's blog because I forgot to put new batteries in my camera, so thanks Jana!

I thought this picture was great because it shows the girls out and about with us at the mall when they were just 3 months old. Now look at them......

a little over 17 months old. Our little sidekicks go with us everywhere!

This was before she'd let me put her down. She'd wrap her arms and legs around me and hold on wayyyy too tight!

Now they're having some fun inside one of the rings!

Jana and the girls.

They had so much fun!

Enjoying the water show.

A water break for Mara Kate.

Making a few laps around the strollers!

1 comment:

Jana said...

I'm so glad we got to do this---it was a lot of fun! We'll have to do it again sometime soon! :)