Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Ella Ann

My little drama queen! This girl--she is so funny! Have I mentioned that before?? :) Yesterday I was trying to get her excited to go to school today (it's still hit or miss as to whether or not she's going to meltdown when I drop her off) so I told her she was going to have an Easter party. Her eyes get as big as saucers and she says, "Ooooooooooohhh! What am I going to wear???!!!" Seriously? She's three! Ella Ann followed that statement up with, "Can I wear a dress???" She's already my little fashionista....I know, you can blame me! So I sent her off to school today in a skirt and Babylegs. Nice compromise I thought.

Most of the time these days I just don't know what to do with her. I know she's at the defiant 3-year-old stage but I think a lot of it is just the stubbornness in Spencer and I wound up into our offspring! At least I know if any parent could handle it it would be the two of us! She is Miss Opinionated, Independent and Priss all in one all at once! Usually I just have to take a deep breath and try to laugh because when you take a step back it is pretty funny! For instance Ella Ann has a sock obsession, meaning she has a complete conniption if they are not a- cannot-breathe-flailing-on-the-floor-type of tantrum. The top of the sock has to be perfectly in place and they must be pulled so tight that it is border line cutting off her circulation. Needless to say we have thrown away several pairs because she poked holes through them with her toes. Then there is the issue of attire. First thing she asks me every morning is, "What am I going to wear today?" If a dress isn't an option then she hits the floor kicking and screaming. Surely this did not come from my side of the family! Never! This is just a little snip it of how my day begins each morning...drama over clothes and socks! This is one of the reasons why I've upped my coffee intake to 4 cups instead of just 2! I have to have some extra energy for that!

As I mentioned in my previous post, we've been talking about Easter with her lately which has led to a few questions about heaven. The other day Spencer and I were talking with her and she asked, "Can I take my clothes to heaven?" Again, clothing obsession. I told her no, we won't need clothes in heaven. So she replied, "Yeah, God will have some clothes for me." Today on our way home from school we talked about her Easter party and I asked her if she had learned anything about Easter. This led to her asking me, "Can I take my toys to heaven?" I think it's wonderful that she is pondering what heaven is going to be like already! It's so cute to see how her little mind is trying to process such a huge concept!

On the way home from school on Monday she informed me that Hyoun and Mary Francis did not put on their jackets like Miss Jennifer had asked them to do. I told her that I hope she obeyed Miss Jennifer when asked to put on her coat. "Yes Mommy," was what she said. Ummm...yeah right, Ella Ann hates wearing coats. So she tells me, "I will tell them [Hyoun and Mary Francis] to put on their coats next time." I responded, "Ella Ann, you need to let Miss Jennifer tell them because she is the teacher and they need to obey her, not you." Of course you know what she says, "But Mommy, IIIIIII want to be the teacher!!!" My little boss. :) I love this little girl. I do have to say, though, God DID know what He was doing when He gave me Rane. He knows I couldn't handle any more drama!!!

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