Friday, March 14, 2008

From The Mouth of A Two Year Old

Below are some funny things that Ella Ann has said over the past few weeks. I just had to share them because they are so darn cute!

I was trying on a hat at Target: "Mommy, that hat is sooooo cute! It just looks SO cute!!"

The balloon that we got at Trader Joe's blew out the car door so I told her it was going to heaven: "Jesus is going to take good care of my balloon."

Saying our prayers at bedtime as Ella Ann looks around her bedroom: "Thank you for Jesus. Thank you for Mommy and Daddy. Thank you for Sam, pink giraffe, puppy, Baby Tad, Minnie Mouse. Thank you for my makeup brush, Miss Tato Head and her shoes, pink sunglasses, and green sun glasses. Thank you for my brown horse, duck, white bear, bobbie, horsey, green blanket, and pillow."

We are trying to teach her to say "no thank you" instead of a whiney "NO" as a response to a question: "Ella Ann, you need to go sit on the potty right now!" Her response: "No thank you, no thank you, no thank you!!!!!" a very fretful voice as she stomps her feet!

We were going to our new music class this morning and I was telling Ella Ann that Mara Kate and Miss Jana will be there. "Miss Jana's going to sing! Miss Jana's going to dance!!!"

A bee was flying around our door as we were trying to leave: "No bee!!! No buzzzzz!! No beeeeeee please!!!!"

After putting her down for naptime this was what she said laying in her bed: "I'm a big girl. I'm a good girl. I'm a pretty girl." Yes, Ella Ann, yes you are.

Sitting in her carseat listing to Toddler Bible Songs CD: "Mommy, I love God and I love Jesus!" Despite this statement she still says, as she starts to cry, "No church! No church! No church!" when she recognizes that we are driving down the street our church is on!

Today Ella Ann woke up from her nap as I was watching "Giada's Weekend Getaway" on the Food Network so I brought her out to the living room so I could watch the last 10 minutes of it. Just as we sat down on the couch, Giada said, "This restaurant is a typical French bistro where guests dine around the bar." Ella Ann turned to me and says, "I like bars." I replied, "You like bars???" Ella Ann's reply: "Yeah, I like bars."

I hope we made your day a little brighter by sharing with you a few of our laughs that we get to experience on a daily basis!


Mandy said...

Great post! I keep telling myself I need to write things down, but never do. It has been so long since we chatted...I hate that. I'm not on the computer much seems I'm getting busier as Seth is getting older. :)


Andria said...

Awesome blog post, Katie - LOVED it! You provided us (Ricardo and I) with a great laugh!