Saturday, November 17, 2007

Put Me In the Zoo

Spencer and I took Ella Ann to the zoo yesterday afternoon as a birthday treat! We have never been to the Atlanta Zoo, even though it is about 1.5 miles from our house! The temperature was only 55 degrees, so a few animals were not on display, but we had such a good time and the place was empty so we got to see so many animals without having to deal with swarms of crazy kids!!! Here are a few pictures from our day:

She loved the petting zoo!
Ella Ann enjoyed watching the real elephants.....and petting the elephant statues! She would hug and kiss all over it!

Since Spencer and I are leaving Monday night to go to Disney for the rest of the week with my parents, I am taking Ella Ann to meet my father-in-law tomorrow in Tennessee so that she can stay with her Nana and Papa. Spencer is working in Toccoa all weekend and left at 5:30 this morning so last night was the last time he'd see Ella Ann until we get back next Sunday. He definitily got in some quality time with her before bedtime, so I snapped some pictures of their sweet moments!

I know the following picture is random, but I had to post it to tell you all how in love with my coffee I am now!!!! Isn't my cup of joe fabulous!!!!??? My friend, Megan, gave me a frother (I have no idea what it's actually called because it came from IKEA and everything is in Swedish) a few months ago and now I have my very own cappuccino every morning!!! The best part is the frother was only $1.50!!! I had to take a picture because it's so pretty and it's what I dream about at night because I can't wait to get up the next morning and drink it! It's the little things in life that make me happy!


Mandy said...

You are so funny!! I love your comment about dreaming of coffee! I am just dreaming of sleeping past 5:00! :) You remember those days...
Hope you all have so much fun on your trip! We can't wait to see Ella Ann!

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