Monday, November 20, 2006

Ella Ann and her Cheerios

Now that Ella Ann doesn't drink bottles four times a day, I give her two snacks a day along with her meals. One is usually fruit and the other is many, many Cheerios. She doesn't like bread and is picky with meat, so Cheerios and oatmeal, which she eats for breakfast, are my best bet! For her snack this morning, I put a bowl of Cheerios on the floor with her water and she just dove in them and shoved as many in her mouth as humanly possible and then proceeded to keep shoveling handfuls in her mouth, even if her mouth had met it's maximum Cheerio capacity! I had to take a picture because Spencer and I were laughing at her, which made her laugh, so they just keep falling out of her mouth. It was great! Most of you all know what a big eater we have on our hands (she eats adult-size portions for her 3 meals) so I'm sure if I gave her an entire box of Cheerios she would eat the whole thing! I think she has a wooden leg! Ohhh and I'd like to mention that not only is she a big eater, she's an expensive one! I tried giving her generic brand cereal and she wouldn't have it. It was Cheerios or nothing at all! Hmmmm...I wonder where she gets that from??

She points out her next move.....

then she shovels them in her mouth with one hand while the other hand grabs the next bite....

then Ella Ann decides that dumping them all on the floor would be much easier, which is when Daddy interceds and begins rationing them out to her!

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