Monday, October 16, 2006

11 Months Old Today!

Only one more month until Ella Ann turns 1! It's hard to believe it has almost been a year since she was born.

Ella Ann hasn't been feeling well lately, so we haven't gotten to do anything fun that would cause me to take pictures. She has had a bad cold, but is feeling better today. We have to get her on the mends before her Nana and Papa arrive to take care of her Thursday through Sunday! I am going to Kentucky to be in a friend's wedding and join in all the festivities on the days leading up to it. I love Ella Ann to pieces, but I am VERY much looking forward to 4 whole days with just my friends! I know I will race home on Sunday to see her and Spencer, though!

We did, however, snap a few pictures of Ella Ann recently. The first two are of her reading "New Baby New You" to Spencer. She was taking notes on their latest article, "Baby Weight". I think she ripped a couple of pages out to review later.
The last two pictures I took today before we went for our walk downtown. It's not THAT cold outside, but I thought I would put her in some warmer clothes since she still is a little sick and it is overcast. She hates wearing any type of clothing, so I am not looking forward to the colder months because it means I have to fight her even longer to put more layers on!!
Ella Ann catching up on some upside down reading! Isn't she talented??
Ella Ann getting some good advice about baby weight!

Ella Ann even gets to sport some pink shoes nowdays! nice and cozy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cute picture of Ella Ann in her sweater and hat! I agree...winter clothes are no fun! Carter has been sick as well so I understand how you guys are feeling. I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy your time away!
