Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's A.........

We found out on Tuesday that we are having another girl! Currently she weighs 9 oz and is very cute, in my opinion! The radiology tech and the doctor had a hard time taking any pictures of her because she was face down and wouldn't cooperate, so unfortunately, we didn't come home with a cute picture of her little face. Ella Ann is thrilled beyond belief, as you can tell, and has already named her Sparkle. She loves that name and will call her that, I'm sure, the entire time her sister is in utero! Funny kid! Poor Rane, he'll have to hang with us crazy girls but luckily he has Spencer to do manly things with him as he grows older. He will be a fantastic big brother (so weird to think that Baby Rane will be a BIG brother this winter) and Ella Ann is already a great big sister so I know she will be invaluable to me when this baby is least when she's not at school all day!

First pregnancy shot with this baby (19, almost 20 weeks). I think I chronicled most months when I was pregnant with Ella Ann, a few months with Rane and so far 1 month with this baby. Such is the life of the 3rd already! Side note, I know this is a terrible picture of me and a not so good picture in general but that is because Ella Ann was standing on a chair and took it for me!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

absolutely started laughing at EA's video....that is SO AK to underwhelm on video and then do that panting thing. I swear, they are the same kid! Congrats again my friend!! Yay for all things pink!! :)