Wednesday, October 13, 2010

That's My Boy

Kale chips, that would be what Rane is eating. I found a recipe for them and wanted to see what they would taste like. I mean, kale is really good for you and has tons of vitamin C so I was hoping to discover a delicious snack for me; however, once I pulled the crispy leaves out of the oven and took one bite I was done. They were so gross and for me to say that says a lot! I can choke down anything healthy but this was where I drew the line! Rane started demanding a bite so I handed him a leaf and figured it would end up on the floor but instead he kept asking for more! I eventually pulled his highchair in the kitchen and threw a half a head (the head was as big as 3 heads of lettuce) of cooked kale on his tray and the only thing left after about 8 minutes was a tiny pile of crumbs. He loved it! He is an amazing eater and is always willing to try new things and fortunately for us he likes it 95% of the time. I love it!

1 comment:

Jana said...

so funny! Only one of your children!!! ha!