Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

Wednesday afternoon we pulled the cars out of the carport and Spencer and the kids carved two of our pumpkins. It was an absolute downpour all afternoon so Ella-Ann and Rane had fun not only with the pumpkins but splashing around in the driveway with umbrellas. It was a wonderful way to spend the afternoon as a family. The kids "helped" a little, i.e., Ella-Ann dug out a few seeds with a big spoon but mainly sat and watched Spencer do the dirty work (and me...I majorly cleaned the pumpkins out) and after checking out the rain she would walk over to Spencer and ask, "How's it comin' along Daddy?" Rane, on the other hand, enjoyed pushing around one of the carved pumpkins as if it were a ball, carrying around the spoons, sticking the spoons in the pumpkins and saying, "Uh-oh, UH-OH!" He kept saying the pumpkins were dirty and gross and would follow that up with, "No touch," but would immediately have his hands all over the pumpkins! We had a blast!

Rane's favorite activity? Playing in the water coming out of the drainpipe!

We took this picture this morning. Spencer hasn't been home in the evenings since we carved the pumpkins so we did it while it was still dark outside this morning. The kids love going out in the mornings to look at the moon! I know, I need to get them out more often!

On a side note, this is how sweet Rane sleeps....with tons of blankets and pillows surrounding him. He always sleeps, still, with his blanket covering either his entire body or at least his face, which is why he is sweaty in this picture!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Great pumpkins! We are doing ours tomorrow (nothing like waiting to the last minute!). Is that a pillow pet with Rane? I was thinking about asking Mom to get them for the boys for Christmas. Do your kids like them? Ethan loves blankets too and sleeps with two every night. :)