Sunday, January 14, 2007

A Visit From Papa & Nana

This weekend Spencer's parents came down for a visit. Although it was a quick visit, it was fun! Ella Ann has been VERY much into hanging on my legs, literally, if I'm not sitting down playing with her, so I was thankful for the break they gave me! I was able to go to the grocery and spend some alone time at the mall....just browsing, of course! I could take my time and enjoy just walking around by myself! My mom is my usual shopping partner, so I did miss having her around...and her wallet! hahahahahaa! :)

It was a very nice weekend here weather wise. We all went to the park on Saturday afternoon and turned Ella Ann loose in the open area. Spencer and I sat on a bench and watched Nana and Papa chase her around! Right now Ella Ann is loving dogs and the park was full of them, so she had a field day running after them and doing some petting!
We went to a fantastic restaurant for dinner on Saturday night that is famous around here for it's southern cuisine. It was really good food and we all enjoyed our meals, including Ella Ann. The waitress swore she would love the homemade yeast rolls and warm cinnamon rolls they gave us, but no chance. The child is weird for sure if she turned down such delicious bread!
We went to church together on Sunday. Spencer had the day off, so it was good to have him there with us since it's a rare opportunity these days to attend church together as a family.
Thanks Gary and Gayla for taking care of Ella Ann so Spencer and I could relax and for taking us to lunch and dinner. We sure appreciated your visit!

Papa trying to get a quick picture with Ella Ann before she chases after a dog that she has spotted!

Ella Ann with her Nana.

She has been set free to run in the park!

Of course she cannot sit still to get a picture with ole' Mom and Dad!


Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I know Nana and Papa enjoyed their time with all of you and will be anxious to see you again soon! Ella Ann looks like she had a good time! I know she loves being outside. Hope you all have a good week!

Andria said...

Hey Katie!
I love your blog and have to tell you that you and Susanna inspired me to do one of my own for Diego! Thank you!
Hope to see you at playgroup tomorrow!